The Ruthless and the Compassionate: The Great Relocation of 2022 ⋆
The Ruthless and the Compassionate: The Great Relocation of 2022
The Ruthless and the Compassionate: The Great Relocation of 2022
Have you ever faced a challenge that changed your life for the better? Life is full of unexpected twists and turns that can lead us to new paths of growth and transformation. Sometimes, these challenges can test our limits and make us doubt ourselves. But they also give us the opportunity to strengthen our resolve, broaden our perspectives, and deepen our compassion for others. In this page, you will read a tale of grit, grace, and gratitude - a tale of how one community overcame adversity and found a new sense of purpose. This tale might just inspire you to take on life’s challenges with a little more curiosity and hope.
The Ruthless and the Compassionate: The Great Relocation of 2022
Understanding Ruthlessness
The term “ruthless” derives from the Middle English word “reuthe,” meaning “pity” or “compassion.” Therefore, to be ruthless is to act without pity or compassion. Interestingly, “reuthe” is related to the name Ruth, which signifies “friend” or “companion.” The biblical story of Ruth, found in the Book of Ruth, highlights themes of faith, loyalty, and love, contrasting sharply with the concept of ruthlessness.
Unforeseen Challenges and Unexpected Opportunities
In 2022, as the pandemic waned and just before the onset of a conflict initiated by Russia, we encountered unexpected challenges. Seven years of growth culminated in dealings with individuals and companies of questionable ethics. Seasoned investor Warren Buffett reminds us, “You can’t make a good deal with a bad person.”
The Great Relocation of 2022
Much more to come. Stay tuned to support real changes in “reality” across mind, body, and spirit.
更多內容即將推出。 請繼續關注,支持在思想、身體和精神層面的真正變化。
The Selfology Roadmap
無情與有情:2022 年的大搬遷
你有沒有想過,為什麼我們用「無情」這個詞來形容一個殘忍、無情或沒有憐憫的人? 這個詞來自中古英語單詞“reuthe”,意思是“憐憫、同情或悲傷”。 無情就是對他人的痛苦毫無憐憫,或者沒有任何感情。 有趣的是,這個詞與路得這個名字有關,表示“朋友”或“同伴”。 《路得記》中的聖經故事強調信仰、忠誠和愛,與無情的概念形成鮮明對比。
2022年,在大流行的最後階段,就在俄羅斯發起的衝突爆發之前,我們面臨著意想不到的挑戰。 七年的成長以與道德有問題的個人和公司的交往而告終。 經驗豐富的投資者沃倫·巴菲特提醒我們,“你不能和一個壞人做好交易。”
更多內容即將推出。 請繼續關注,支持在思想、身體和精神層面的真正變化。
The Ruthless and the Compassionate: The Great Relocation of 2022
Rising Together: Selfology’s Pursuit of Justice and Equity in the Face of Ruthlessness

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