AFT (Advanced Fluorescence Technology)
IPL (Intense Pulsed Light)
Alma Laser
AFT (Advanced Fluorescence Technology) is an advanced Intense Pulsed Light from Alma Laser. It takes formerly unused short-wavelength light and converts it into part of the usable spectrum through a special filtering system. It increases emission and penetration, making them effective treatments.
AFT Pain-Free IPL (Intense Pulse Light) technology showers the skin with pulses of focused light that help diminish the appearance of sunspots, visible blood vessels, and other pigment irregularities.
AFT (Advanced Fluorescence Technology) is an advanced Intense Pulsed Light from Alma Laser. It takes formerly unused short-wavelength light and converts it into part of the usable spectrum through a special filtering system. It increases emission and penetration, making them effective treatments.
AFT Pain-Free IPL (Intense Pulse Light) technology showers the skin with pulses of focused light that help diminish the appearance of sunspots, visible blood vessels, and other pigment irregularities.
AFT (Advanced Fluorescence Technology) is an advanced Intense Pulsed Light from Alma Laser. It takes formerly unused short-wavelength light and converts it into part of the usable spectrum through a special filtering system. It increases emission and penetration, making them effective treatments.
AFT Pain-Free IPL (Intense Pulse Light) technology showers the skin with pulses of focused light that help diminish the appearance of sunspots, visible blood vessels, and other pigment irregularities.
35 – 40 mins | Couple and Single Room
Alma Lasers “IPL冰點脈衝光子嫩膚” 是目前國際上最先進的、唯一可延展的、覆蓋了當今所有熱點技術的多用途醫療美容系統。該系統治療項目包括了高效嫩膚、痤瘡紅印、美白去斑、收緊提升、毛細血管擴張、面部潮紅等皮膚問題。
AlmaLasers IPL冰點脈衝光子嫩膚 AFT 的科技將傳統光子譜線轉化集中,輸出能量高度集中的精準光,擁有極佳的色基吸收率,較傳統光子擁有更強的選擇性,嫩膚更精準高效!高端科技的冷卻系統使治療的過程中無痛舒適!是目前國際醫療界最先進的嫩膚技術,也是激光美容市場上最新一代的高端儀器。
選項2 三種臉部修復護理可選擇一項:
* IPL冰點脈衝光子嫩膚(臉部+ 頸部)療程 + 活膠原蛋白修復臉部護理
* IPL冰點脈衝光子嫩膚(臉部+ 頸部)療程 + 無針深層注水修復護理
* IPL冰點脈衝光子嫩膚(臉部+ 頸部)療程 + 聲波深層淨化角質護理
35 – 40 mins | Couples and Singles Room
AFT (Advanced Fluorescence Technology) est une lumière pulsée intense avancée d’Alma Laser. Il prend autrefois la lumière inutilisée de courte longueur d’onde et la convertit en partie du spectre utilisable par un système de filtrage spécial. Il augmente les émissions et la pénétration, ce qui en fait des traitements efficaces.
La technologie AFT Pain-Free IPL (Intense Pulse Light) douche la peau avec des impulsions de lumière focale qui aident à diminuer l’apparence des taches solaires, des vaisseaux sanguins visibles et d’autres irrégularités pigmentaires.
OPTION A – Un traitement d’amour d’IPL pour le plein visage et cou avec le masque actif de rétablissement de collagène
OPTION B – Un traitement ipl amour pour le visage complet et le cou avec choix de selfologie guérison faciale
Hydratation profonde Mésothérapie sans aiguille Facial
Active / Live Native Collagen Recovery Facial
Deep Clean Derma Peel Facial
35 à 40 minutes | Couples et chambre simple
AFT (Advanced Fluorescence Technology) is an advanced Intense Pulsed Light from Alma Laser. It takes formerly unused short-wavelength light and converts it into part of the usable spectrum through a special filtering system. It increases emission and penetration, making them effective treatments.<br><br>AFT Pain-Free IPL (Intense Pulse Light) technology showers the skin with pulses of focused light that help diminish the appearance of sunspots, visible blood vessels, and other pigment irregularities.
AFT (Advanced Fluorescence Technology) is an advanced Intense Pulsed Light from Alma Laser. It takes formerly unused short-wavelength light and converts it into part of the usable spectrum through a special filtering system. It increases emission and penetration, making them effective treatments.
AFT Pain-Free IPL (Intense Pulse Light) technology showers the skin with pulses of focused light that help diminish the appearance of sunspots, visible blood vessels, and other pigment irregularities.
■ OPTION A - One Love IPL Treatment for Full Face & Neck with Active Collagen Recovery Mask
■ OPTION B - One Love IPL Treatment for Full Face & Neck with Choice of Selfology Healing Facial
—Deep Hydration Needleless Mesotherapy Facial
—Active/Live Native Collagen Recovery Facial
—Deep Clean Derma Peel Facial
35 - 40 mins | Couple and Single Room Available
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