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cropped-Selfology-Round-Sphere-Logo-Happy-Otta-v1-1.png ≡ SELFOLOGY HOME ≡ ≡ SEASONS ≡ ≡ RESERVATIONS ≡ ≡ CATALOGUE ≡ Big Pharma cropped-Selfology-Round-Sphere-Logo-Happy-Otta-v1-1.png selfology® September 30, 2021 Categories Φ mx Big Pharma 2021.09.19 [SX] Big Pharma—DW Doc The pharmaceutical companies hiking the prices of drugs. Martin Shkreli is the former CEO of Turing Pharmaceutical who’s responsible for hiking the price of at least one drug by 5000%. Are you going to change the price? No, Martin Shkreli Martin Shkreli is a phenomenon. He illustrates that the system is broken and that the drug ecosystem is completely money driven. Jimmy Kimmel Richer and more powerful than ever. Underpinned by its influence networks, the Pharmaceutical industry stands unchallenged in its ability to dictate government health policies. The industry’s power is comparable to that of a state. Pharmaceutical industry is so rich and so powerful, its lobbying affects Congress greatly and also the FDA. While the industry benefits hugely from publicly funded research, it manages to steer healthcare expenditure towards its most expensive medications. No good idea goes forward without a pharmaceutical company partner and yet the current pricing is absolutely indefensible in my opinion. Lucy, the pharmaceutical industry’s main concern, is now profit. They’re concerned as shareholders, not patience. It’s a very cruel business model, because if you can’t pay for it, you don’t get it. The battle against the COVID-19 pandemic has further whet the pharma companies appetite has the pharmaceutical industry’s thirst for profits become a threat to our public health systems. Daraprim is on the World Health Organization’s model list of essential medicines and invaluable weapon in the fight against malaria and a serious infection caused by HIV. A young US financier, Martin Shkreli, manager of a hedge fund investing in health products, bought the rights to the drug in the United States. He then bumped up the price of Daraprim from $13.50 to $750, a 5000% increase. Hills. Martin Shkreli refused to budget on the price of his medication. Welcome to the stage Martin Shkreli founder facing the financial press, he tried to defend the indefensible. Thanks for coming. Thank you. Up here, if you could rewind the clock a few months, I wonder if you would do anything differently. I probably would have raised the price higher. This is probably what I would have done. Oh my. I, I think health care prices are inelastic. I could have raised it higher and made more profits for shareholders, which is my primary duty and again no one wants to say it. No one is proud of it. But you know this is a capitalist society capitalist system and capitalist rules, and my investors expect me to maximize profits, not to minimize them or go half or go 70%. But to go to 100%. An immoral increase maybe, but perfectly legal as part of an investigation into the scandal of unchecked drug prices, Martin Shkreli was summoned to appear before a U S Congressional committee. What do you say to that signal pregnant woman who might have aids? No income. She needs Daraprim in order to survive, but what do you say to her when she has to make that choice? What do you say to her on the advice of counsel? I invoke my Fifth Amendment privilege against self incrimination and respectfully declined to answer your question. Somebody’s paying. It’s the taxpayers that end up paying for some of them. I know you’re smiling, but I’m very serious, Sir. So I ask now that the committee excused the witness from the table without without objection, so ordered will pause for a moment, as Mr. Skelly is escorted out. Martin Shkreli was soon dubbed the most hated man in America. Sometime later he was arrested by the FBI and convicted by a federal court on securities fraud. He was sentenced to seven years in federal prison. Beyond his individual case, Shkreli became the embodiment of the excesses of the Pharmaceutical industry and the embodiment of its cynicism. The price of Daraprim has never returned to its original level. Yeah, this is key. Focal is that Russia travel. They consume useful fools, attract attention by their behavior, which, while cynical, is actually very useful in giving a clear picture of what these people and their abuses of the system represent. The kill the river systems in person. Over the past ten years, the landscape of the drug industry has dramatically changed. A handful of pharmaceutical companies manufacturers. The vast majority of drugs. One of the world’s top five is Swiss company Novartis, having acquired a host of smaller companies. It boasts an annual turnover of $45 billion and now holds some promising patents and treatments for cancer and other rare diseases. The two American giants, Pfizer and Johnson and Johnson have also bought dozens of rival firms to expand their market. Another top five company is Rush, a Swiss drug manufacturer which has acquired 25 competing therapies. And the French giants, a nofi has an annual turnover of more than $40 billion. It too has bought a dozen pharmaceutical laboratories in Europe and North America. With each having 100,000 employees, these multinationals make up the global market commonly known as Big Pharma. To maintain their monopoly on certain diseases, large laboratories are accused of playing down or hiding from the health authorities. Some of the results of their clinical trials. The upshot is that some of the drugs released on the market triggers serious side effects in the patients they are supposed to be treating. Like media talk, a drug produced by Servie Laboratories from France and withdrawn from the market 30 years after launch amid a major scandal. Or depakene and epilepsy treatment. One of the world’s most widely distributed drugs in the last 50 years. Made by the French giant Sanofi. The drug, while effective, is at the center of a huge health scandal in Europe. Its use has been proved to be extremely dangerous for the unborn child in pregnant women. Swan fitje compound. I often compare my condition to the effects of a violent electric shock like a short circuit in an electric box. Everything disconnects, I lose consciousness, suffer convulsions, then come round a few minutes or a few hours later. The fear of never waking up is a constant. So for me, medication is vital. No question about it. Without medication, I wouldn’t be here today. Travian prepare, I was well prepared for my pregnancy. I knew I had to consult my doctor first. I asked my family physician, is this suitable for pregnant women? I was told it was fine, yeah, like gynecologist and urologist told me the same thing. Possible. In a donkey also, Nathan was born with a urogenital abnormalities. Time went on and Nathan past the age when he should have started talking and sitting up. He did neither. Marine Mart and her husband became increasingly worried they filmed their son Nata to document his delayed development as evidence to doctors and abnormally calm child. He did not smile, lacked muscle tone and exhibited signs of language delay and relationship disorders. And I was told he wasn’t a late developer, it was a disorder. Suffers from severe neurological sequellae. Marine Marta embarked on an extensive investigation into the side effects of the drug depakene, eventually becoming a whistleblower and filing a complaint against Sanofi. In a bid to have the company’s responsibility recognized. She’s created an advocacy group with thousands of victims. In France and Switzerland, several individual lawsuits and a class action are currently underway against Sanofi. The firm is under investigation for aggravated deceit and accidental injuries. She TOC in mania, formado. Haley sure it was also a way for me to make amends. The guilt was overwhelming when you take a medication every day, twice a day, in my case, and poison your baby, it’s still difficult for me now. So for me, the process of making amends and exposing Sanofi’s deceit that was essentially I couldn’t have lived with myself. I had to help the other families. She knows the back in the team hopes depakene the victims grievances that they were not forewarned about the risks of taking the drug during pregnancy. And please lose Medicare upon our glasses. According to the health authorities, since the drug was first marketed in 1967, tens of thousands of children in Europe have suffered birth defects and mental impairment. Will there be an about working what you have here is a pharmaceutical laboratory that doesn’t play the information game and fails to communicate all the information it has to the health authorities complete. Nor is it may not have been 100% sure, but we know that the lab wrote in 2003 that it had been aware of the issues since 1970. The laboratories reply is yes, but the risk seemed slight. Sanofi is one of the main big pharma companies, the biggest in France in terms of research and development of new drugs with branches in 100 countries worldwide, their slogan is empowering life. After weeks of negotiations, their management agreed to an interview. Under one condition. Sanofi refused to discuss the ongoing legal proceedings in the cases of marine mactalla and victims associations in Europe. Duty how long have those in charge at Sanofi been aware of depakene serious side effects? I will be able to answer your question first. Depakene is used in the treatment of epilepsy. That’s the therapy for which we were licensed to sell the product. Remember, epilepsy is a serious condition. Sanofi has been rigorous in monitoring and supplying information to the health authorities medical profession and patients. The health authorities say your application lacked detail and your warnings were poorly explained, argue multi. In the bathroom, I don’t think we are vague. We report all the information we have in our possession. That was his short. Let’s pick changing their rally there fast. Was he Inspector General of Social Affairs, carried out a thorough examination of the deck in case it really large shorted pseudocide concluded in 2016 that it was scientifically impossible given the data available at the time to conclude a direct correlation between valproate and neuro development. Prides, 2004. Do you like to do that part is if you know development to have under milk at, we approached the health authorities in 2003 Honda meet or Magneto despite everything, how do you explain your failure to convince the health authorities to act faster in informing medical professionals and above all patients who might be pregnant? Patient keeps going there at at constant throughout life. Sponse ability. It is the responsibility of our company to ensure at all times that the information we gather about the use of this product. Pharmacovigilance scientific developments be constantly transmitted to the health authorities. That’s our duty, and we do that regularly, systematically and transparently. While the evidence was piling up on the link between the drug depakene and serious disorders affecting children, it took another 11 years for patients to be alerted. In 2015, Sanofi finally came to an agreement with the ANSM, the official body that licenses drugs in France. The patient package insert supplied with DEPAKENE was amended to clearly indicate the significant risk of deformity and developmental problems. Almost 50 years after the drug was first launched. Despite all of the warnings, the warning in the patient package insert was finally included in 2015 in extremely precise terms. Would you mind reading the first hard hitting? Paragraph no, no. You’d rather I did it. Yes, go ahead. Sanofi’s patient package insert is now very clear in all languages. Depakene can seriously harm an unborn baby when taken during pregnancy. Exposed children are at high risk of serious intellectual and motor development disorders and up to 30 to 40% of cases and or deformities in around 10% of cases. You no longer want LCDR. Their argument is the state licensed me to sell this product, so don’t blame me. But wait in the Volkswagen Diesel gate scandal. The government deemed the cars roadworthy but it is Volkswagen’s responsibility to pay for the lies and the defects in their cars, not the governments. It’s absurd. Manufacturers are responsible for their products. Depakene, the authorities were a mess, but the main responsibility lies with the manufacturer. Only after a two year battle was Marine Mactalla able to ensure a warning would be affixed on the Depakene label, like those found on alcoholic drinks. All pharmaceutical companies are looking for what they call a blockbuster. A drug that treats widespread diseases and can be marketed worldwide to preserve exclusive rights. Big pharma companies have developed some powerful strategies. This is the story of a revolutionary treatment for AMD, age related macular degeneration. A severely disabling eye disease that can lead to blindness. Millions of patients are affected worldwide. It’s also the story of the competition between two equally effective drugs, one costing 40 times more than the other. Until 2005, there was no effective treatment and many patients lost their sight. Valindra today for me. Some people receive money somehow. Division Soup Italy symptoms India Mila Palace on Vita and ophthalmologist Diamela not only PO. Then came a new drug that significantly slows the progression of the disease. A liquid injected directly into the eye. The therapy had been developed in the United States and was set to revolutionize treatment of the disease. Several major ophthalmologists launched clinical trials on thousands of patients. They were unable to treat. It’s the leading cause of permanent blindness in people over the age of 65. In fact, perhaps for any disease worldwide, there is a role for pharmaceutical companies, particularly in research and development of new medications. They invest many years and and a lot of dollars. That being said, you know they are for profit companies and and their objective is to is to find what they called a blockbuster drug that they can sell a lot up to a large population. Which is why there is a lot of R&D or research and development going into macular degeneration. Because it is such a common disorder. This first treatment was developed by the American Laboratory, Genentech. It was called Avastin, newly licensed by the FDA in America. The drug was officially used to treat colon cancer. Then by accident, an American professor discovered that its properties significantly delay the development of AMD and improve eyesight. Slowly and it causes legal blindness. Phil Rosenfeld began experimenting with intravenous Avastin for the treatment of neovascular AMD. There was really no studies done by the pharmaceutical company to do that. It was really some doctor and a pharmacist who work together to come up with what might be the optimal dosing of Avastin in the eye. The treatment worked flawless Lee. Professor Rosenfeld presented his results at the annual Ophthalmology conference. The results were like nothing we’ve ever seen before. Every retina specialist that I know who was at that meeting or jaws were on the floor because of the first time we had seen an improvement in visual acuity, whereas every treatment that came before it had a decline in vision over a one year period, we’ve never seen that before. And because I’ve asked him is priced. To be given. For cancer was inexpensive, so for the first six to 12 months, everyone all over the world was using Avastin to treat these patients until Lucentis came out. Meanwhile, ophthalmology researchers at the very same American Genentech pharmaceutical laboratory that manufactured Avastin for cancer were developing a new treatment specifically for AMD Lucentis introducing Lucentis a breakthrough in neovascular AMD Lucentis redefines efficacy and Neil. All the studies showed that the two treatments were identical except the new Lucentis treatment was much much more expensive for Avastin that would make Avastin about $50 an injection and then when Lucentis comes out a single dose in the eye is $2000. Meanwhile, in France, pharmacists in hospitals were becoming interested in treating the eye condition with the Avastin used for cancer. Avastin is dosed in bottles for injection into the eye. Pharmacists had to repackage it in syringes at a lower dose. Well, I got killed off like war you take a file, a small bottle containing 16 milliliters. Then use it to fill a number of syringes. Maybe a batch of 50 for ophthalmological injections. Sam, it entails repackaging the contents of a bottle into an injectable form. It’s contemptible, the really important thing is to ensure the preparation is completely sterile before delivering it for administration by the ophthalmologist. The syringe must be absolutely sterile. Sad news appear Midori. This meant we could make syringes for around €50 each. You have to include staff costs and testing costs plus the premises and equipment have to be paid for. When they did so, the cost for us was twenty times less than it was for Lucentis, which cost around €1000 a syringe. In Europe, while expensive, the cost of the new Lucentis eye treatment was still only half what it was in the United States, where prices are not controlled. The drug was marketed by Swiss laboratory. Novartis Avastin is sold by the other big Swiss laboratory rush, which bought out the American company Genentech. Clean up over 12 horse. Novartis and Roche, especially Rush don’t like it when products they sell to treat a specific condition are used by us to treat other medical conditions. Used for purposes other than those designated. Destination Novartis and Roche then concocted a strategy to prevent doctors from using Avastin to treat eye conditions and convinced them to inject Lucentis. It’s Gucci service were you visited by representatives of Novartis or rush at that time. About that treatment, absolutely yes. They came to say they didn’t understand why we were using Avastin, a cancer treatment to treat ophthalmological conditions. Zoo rendezvous effective moravek. The I had a meeting with the general manager of Novartis who came to the hospital to ask me why I insisted on making these Avastin syringes when Lucentis was a licensed treatment. Is there a local, recently Savino Toys has shown me salvar? She don’t should be expected, so I explained my thinking, which was how best to serve the public and patience allied to economic and health considerations. The conversation was mostly about the potential danger to patients or not. This will be sent already passed you. Did you think Novartis was putting pressure on you? CCW impression if it was pressure, it carried no threats. Since all International Studies demonstrated the equal effectiveness of the two treatments, hospital pharmacists naturally favored the least expensive option. The two laboratories, rush and Novartis, launched a long legal procedure against the French state. The maneuver was doomed to fail. Avastin was eventually authorized for use in France, but it was too late. Let difficulties or the police system do so. The problem now for the health system is that it has a set up that is so complex for ophthalmologists to manage that basically everyone has given up. To remove their body. Thus, almost all patients treated for AMD were given an injection of the more expensive products, including the one made by Novartis. 2nd in Italy in 2014. Rush and Novartis were fined some 180 million euros for illicit price fixing of the two drugs. In late 2020, France fined Rush and Novartis 444 million euros. There were people in the Alma community who really liked using Lucentis. It’s a great drug. I have the utmost respect for the role that the Pharmaceutical industry plays in our field. No good idea goes forward without a pharmaceutical company partner. And yet the pricing. To me, particularly when you’ve got a $50. Disruptor that’s equally effective. The current pricing is absolutely indefensible in my opinion. It’s estimated that. The US saves $3 billion a year. By using a vastas instead of Lucentis. According to the regulations, the French Medicines Agency cannot force rush to manufacture Avastin syringes for the treatment of AMD. Despite two months of negotiations, the multinational rush refused to be interviewed. Its legal department told us we do not wish to speak or be filmed on this subject, but are more than willing to answer any questions you may have in writing. Question why does the laboratory refuse to manufacture Avastin syringes for the treatment of AMD? Answer Rush develops drugs only for medical needs not covered by existing drugs. Where there are no therapeutic alternatives. Rush then says no. And the public authorities are powerless to force their hand. Lobbying has paid off. The cheaper alternative is rarely used. The big winner is Novartis. Which coincidentally owns a third of rush. In the United States, the price of drugs is completely unregulated. As soon as the FDA approves the drug, the pharmaceutical companies are free to impose their prices. Elected officials, Democrats and Republicans alike persist, and trying to force manufacturers to lower the cost of new treatments in vain. One recent medication has changed the health economy and overpriced treatment that has launched a new scramble for profit between the biggest pharmaceutical companies. This is a major American discovery. A new treatment against hepatitis C. It helps cure the often deadly chronic liver disease by eradicating the virus. Savoldi made by Gilead, the world’s tenth largest pharmaceutical company, was launched on the US market in 2014. The price of the three month treatment, $84,000, that’s $1000 a tablet. Sovaldi is the first of the drugs that actually cures hepatitis C. In three months, the virus is gone that is manufactured by what is now a very big drug company called Gilead Sciences, but Gilead had nothing to do with the research that discovered Sovaldi. Gilead Sciences bought Pharmasset and they bought it because that. Well, they could get their hands on Sovaldi. They are concentrating more on diseases for that don’t affect that many people, but her life and death diseases so they can charge whatever they want so they charge $84,000. The sales of Gilead Sciences came to $32.5 billion, of which 55%. This is, according to the annual reports. Was pure profit. The American drug then hit the European market at half the price. The price of treatment for a course of Sovaldi was 42,000 euros. The still exorbitant cost aroused a great deal of outrage among patients. The NGO Med Sound Home owned launched an awareness campaign in France. 230,000 patients were affected at 42,000 euros a pop. In terms of health insurance, the hepatitis C treatment was one of the most expensive around. Open young, miss you Gillian there were commercial is a low Sovaldi paskar zoom. We can thank ghillie add for marketing savaldi because they showed the wider public that today drugs are not sold for the price they should be sold at. So slightly reflects the necessity for ghillie add to recover the huge costs involved, having spent 10 billion, they had to fix a high price. Not good, but I heard that hepatitis C could be treated. The treatment now available was expensive, but it cured the disease in 12 weeks. Then it can get patients who had, for the most part until then being condemned by hepatitis C. Limited see skinny, it was in a position of relative strength, having a unique treatment that offered a cure. Really good negotiations that were rather robust and tense then got underway. Turn left on the price today has come down by more than half. Under pressure, the American pharmaceutical lab lowered the price of the three month Sovaldi treatment in France from 42,000 to 24,000 euros. A U S Senate Commission revealed the company’s confidential marketing strategy. Use of Oxa a diminutive Persian do chemo attorney glad we had access to thousands of pages of internal ghillie. Add documents so we could see that in ghillie add meetings. Marketing ideas were aired in particular ideas for pricing, but no mention was ever made of the actual outlay for R&D, manufacture and marketing. Do production capacity issue? In this internal presentation, the Gilead sales team recommends an introductory price of between 80,000 and $85,000, dismissing concerns about any potential scandal in the press. The sole concern was how to maximize profits. Achieve strong financial margins, cover costs, then move on. Public health considerations were never an issue. Marisol children is now director of Unitaid, a body operating within the World Health Organization. Charged with negotiating significant price reductions with large pharma companies to treat patients in the Southern hemisphere, 71 million people worldwide carry the hepatitis C virus. Cloud based Dookie extreme drop in Price was considerable and was established by introducing generic drugs and giving the farmer lab assurances that we would open major markets. Rather than sell a little at a high price, we offered the chance to sell a lot at a lower price. We scored a victory by ensuring treatment was accessible at a reasonable price. OK, so never. Thus, treatment for hepatitis C using the generic drug produced by Mylan costs less than $80. Available only in developing countries. In the northern hemisphere, a course of treatment still costs 10s of thousands of euros. The price of drugs no longer reflects the real cost of research. Rather, the financial power of a few large companies scrambling for disproportionate profit. With the appearance of new gene therapies to treat certain cancers or rare diseases, prices are still increasing, reaching several hundreds of thousands of euros. All the major big pharma companies are in the race for these new treatments. They save lives, but at what cost? A new gene therapy to fight cancer is now marketed by a Swiss company, Novartis, to treat leukemia. Its name is Kymriah. Its price is €320,000 per patient. The therapy was discovered by a team of publicly funded university researchers at the University of Pennsylvania. But flexing its financial muscles, Novartis became co-owner of the patent. Professor of Hematology, XPO Warno is renowned expert in blood cancers. Yo invite technique. Laura Metroplus affect in therapy. Genic there’s a whole technique involved bermet using gene therapy. A gene is introduced which allows T cells to target diseased cells and enable them to be destroyed. Sit down system extra monitor. It’s a very interesting system, but there’s no justification for charging 350,000 euros to see if state structures in France went along with it. It would doubtless cost 30 or 40,000, but not €350,000. You know it used to be pharmaceutical. Obviously it’s the farmer industries job to keep a lookout for something interesting. Next time I do, the research is no longer carried out by the Pharmaceutical industry. The work is tackled by publicly funded research that languished bleak the drug companies. They don’t do their own innovation anymore, they do zero innovation or close to zero. The innovation still comes from NIH funded research. What we’re seeing now is a big change that I think is. Terrible and this big change is instead of being focused almost exclusively on the size of the market on volume, it’s now focused on price. They acquire a drug that’s effective against a serious disease. Multiple sclerosis, cancer, serious disease that people will pay almost anything to get and Jack up the price so that it can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. For years treatment I mean hundreds and thousands of dollars. It’s a very cruel business model because if you can’t pay for it, you don’t get it. So you still puzzled consejos Audrey Cancer treatments now cost something like 300,000 or 400,000 euros. While the number of cancer patients in France is around 1,800,000 with 400,000 new cancer cases every year, I cannot see how in the future we will be able to treat more than 1.5 million people. When the price scale is some 300,000 euros, I mean this should be pretty soon. Just let me know. He had two tons. There’s a whole sales pitch relating to the therapeutic value and lifesaving value of these medications, which has been skillfully put forward by opinion leaders to convince governments, which basically says that drugs heal. They are a unique product. The high cost is the price of life. It’s pure marketing. Better cures mean higher prices. Singerie British air. No problem, secure should be default. The problem is that each country defends its multinationals, France defends Sanofi. The USA defends Pfizer and the big American companies. Switzerland defends Novartis and Roche. Explain it’s hard to reach consensus to bring down prices to reasonable levels. Do you mean you good lip reader Jenna reasonable? After two months of negotiations, the multinational Novartis turned down our request for an interview. Instead, they sent a simple press release. We price our new medicines based on the value they deliver to patients health care systems and society. We strive to take into account income levels, local affordability, barriers and economic realities while maintaining the sustainability of our business. Novartis tells us, as its representatives have explained, to political decision makers that this new single dose cancer therapy must be compared to a treatment of drugs taken for life. In late 2019, the laboratory agreed to a slight decrease in France, where the price of Kymriah went down from 320,000 euros to 200 and 97,666 euros. The FDA now is on the payroll of the Pharmaceutical industry. They pay user fees to the part of the FDA that evaluates new drugs for approval, so this makes this part of the FDA dependent on. The companies that they are supposedly regulating. The drug companies love it. Uh, because it makes the part of the FDA. That evaluates their drugs extremely friendly since they support it. It is a blatant conflict of interests. This ought to be well funded and there ought to be no conflicts of interest. 製藥公司 提高藥品價格。 Martin Shkreli 是前首席執行官 圖靈製藥的 負責漲價 至少一種藥物的 5000%。 你會改變價格嗎? 不,Martin Shkreli Martin Shkreli 是一種現象。 他說明系統是 破碎的毒品生態系統 完全是金錢驅動的。 Jimmy Kimmel Richer 和 比以往任何時候都更強大。 在其影響力網絡的支持下, 製藥業站 它的能力不受挑戰 決定政府的衛生政策。 行業的力量是 堪比一個國家。 醫藥行業是 如此富有如此強大, 它的遊說影響國會 大大和FDA。 雖然行業受益匪淺 來自公共資助的研究, 它設法引導醫療保健支出 走向其最昂貴的藥物。 沒有好主意就沒有進展 製藥公司合作夥伴 然而目前的定價是 在我看來絕對站不住腳。 露西, 製藥行業的主要關注點, 現在是利潤。 他們作為股東關心, 沒有耐心。 這是一種非常殘酷的商業模式, 因為如果你付不起, 你不明白。 與 COVID-19 大流行的鬥爭 進一步刺激了製藥公司 食慾有藥 行業對利潤的渴求成為 對我們的公共衛生系統構成威脅。 Daraprim 在世界衛生組織 組織的基本模型清單 藥品和無價武器 在抗擊瘧疾和 HIV引起的嚴重感染。 一位年輕的美國金融家 Martin Shkreli, 對沖基金經理投資於 保健品,買的權利 去美國吃藥。 然後他提高了價格 Daraprim 從 13.50 美元到 750 美元, 增加了 5000%。 丘陵。 Martin Shkreli 拒絕預算 關於他的藥物價格。 歡迎來到舞台 Martin Shkreli 創始人面對財經媒體, 他試圖捍衛站不住腳的人。 感謝你的到來。謝謝你。 在這裡,如果你能倒帶 時鐘幾個月,我想知道 你會做任何不同的事情。 我可能會提出 價格更高。 這可能是我會做的。 天啊。 我,我認為醫療保健價格缺乏彈性。 我本可以把它提高得更高 為股東創造更多利潤, 這是我的主要職責 再一次沒有人願意說出來。 沒有人以此為榮。 但你知道這是一個資本主義社會 資本主義制度和資本主義規則, 我的投資者期望 我以最大化利潤, 不要將它們最小化或減半或減至 70%。 但是要達到100%。 不道德的增加也許, 但作為一部分完全合法 的調查 不受控制的藥價醜聞, Martin Shkreli 被傳喚出庭 在美國國會委員會面前。 你對那個信號說什麼 孕婦可能有艾滋病? 沒有收入。 她需要達拉普林才能生存, 但你什麼時候對她說 她必須做出那個選擇? 你對她說什麼 律師的建議? 我援引我的第五修正案特權 反對自證其罪和尊重 拒絕回答你的問題。 有人付錢。 結束的是納稅人 支付其中一些。 我知道你在微笑, 但我很認真, 先生。 所以我現在問委員會 使證人免於 表無異議, 如此命令會暫停片刻, 斯凱利先生被護送出去。 Martin Shkreli 很快被稱為 美國最討厭的人。 過了一段時間他被捕了 被聯邦調查局定罪 聯邦證券欺詐法庭。 他被判七年 年在聯邦監獄。 除了他的個案, Shkreli 成為了 製藥業的過度 以及其犬儒主義的體現。 Daraprim 的價格從來沒有 恢復到原來的水平。 是的,這是關鍵。 重點是俄羅斯旅遊。 他們消耗有用的傻瓜, 用自己的行為吸引註意力, 雖然憤世嫉俗, 實際上非常有用 給出清晰的畫面 這些人和他們的 制度的濫用代表。 親自殺死河流系統。 在過去的十年裡, 製藥業的格局 發生了巨大的變化。 一把藥材 公司製造商。 絕大多數藥物。 世界五強之一 是瑞士公司諾華, 收購了許多小公司。 它的年營業額為 450 億美元,現在持有一些 有前途的專利和治療 用於癌症和其他罕見疾病。 美國兩大巨頭, 輝瑞和強生 也買了幾十個對手 企業擴大市場。 另一家排名前五的公司是 Rush, 一家瑞士藥品製造商 獲得了 25 種競爭療法。 和法國豪門,諾菲有 年營業額超過400億美元。 它也買了十幾個藥品 歐洲和北美的實驗室。 每個擁有 100,000 名員工, 這些跨國公司構成了全球 市場通常被稱為大型製藥公司。 為了維持壟斷 某些疾病,大型實驗室 被指控淡化或 躲避衛生當局。 他們的一些臨床試驗結果。 結果是有些藥物 市場上發布的觸發器 患者的嚴重副作用 他們應該在治療。 就像媒體談論的那樣,一種由 Servie Laboratories 來自法國和 退出市場30年 在重大醜聞中推出後。 或depakene和癲癇治療。 世界上最廣泛的之一 在過去的 50 年中分發藥物。 由法國巨頭賽諾菲製造。 該藥雖然有效, 是在一個巨大的中心 歐洲的健康醜聞。 它的用途已被證明是 對人來說極其危險 孕婦未出生的孩子。 天鵝fitje化合物。 我經常將我的狀況與 劇烈電擊的影響 就像電箱短路一樣。 一切都斷了, 我失去知覺, 抽搐,然後回來 幾分鐘或幾小時後。 永遠不會醒來的恐懼是永恆的。 所以對我來說,藥物是至關重要的。 毫無疑問。 不吃藥, 我今天不會在這裡。 特拉維安準備, 我為懷孕做好了充分的準備。 我知道我必須先諮詢我的醫生。 我問過我的家庭醫生, 這個適合孕婦嗎? 我被告知很好,是的, 像婦科醫生和泌尿科醫生 告訴我同樣的事情。可能的。 內森也是一頭驢出生的 有泌尿生殖系統異常。 時間在流逝,而彌敦道已逝 他應該什麼時候開始說話 和坐起來。他都沒有。 Marine Mart 和她的丈夫成了 越來越擔心他們拍攝 他們的兒子娜塔記錄他的 延遲發展作為證據 醫生和異常冷靜的孩子。 他沒有微笑,缺乏肌肉 語氣和表現出的語言符號 延遲和關係障礙。 我被告知他沒有遲到 開發人員,這是一種障礙。 患有嚴重的神經系統後遺症。 瑪琳瑪爾塔開始了 廣泛調查 藥物 depakene 的副作用, 最終成為告密者 並對賽諾菲提出投訴。 為了讓公司的 責任得到承認。 她創建了一個倡導小組 與成千上萬的受害者。 在法國和瑞士, 幾起個人訴訟和一個集體 目前正在對賽諾菲採取行動。 該公司正在接受調查 嚴重的欺騙和意外傷害。 她在躁狂症中 TOC,Formado。 海莉確定這也是一種方式 替我彌補。 當內疚是壓倒性的 你每天吃藥, 一天兩次,就我而言, 毒死你的寶寶, 現在對我來說仍然很困難。 所以對我來說, 修正和揭露的過程 賽諾菲的欺騙本質上是 我不能和自己一起生活。 我不得不幫助其他家庭。 她知道球隊希望的後盾 消除受害者的不滿 他們沒有預先警告風險 懷孕期間服用藥物。 請在我們的眼鏡上丟掉醫療保險。 根據衛生當局的說法, 自該藥物於 1967 年首次上市以來, 數以萬計的孩子 在歐洲遭受了出生 缺陷和精神障礙。 會不會有關於工作什麼的 你這裡有一個藥品 不玩的實驗室 信息遊戲並沒有 傳達它所擁有的所有信息 到衛生當局完成。 也不是 100% 確定, 但我們知道實驗室在 2003 年寫道 它自1970年以來就意識到這些問題。 實驗室的回答是肯定的, 但風險似乎很小。 賽諾菲是主要供應商之一 大型製藥公司, 法國最大的 新藥研發 在全球100個國家設有分支機構, 他們的口號是賦予生活權力。 經過數週的談判, 他們的管理層同意接受采訪。 在一種情況下。 賽諾菲拒絕討論 正在進行的法律程序 海洋 mactalla 和 歐洲的受害者協會。 賽諾菲負責人的職責是多久 是否知道 depakene 的嚴重副作用? 我可以先回答你的問題。 Depakene 用於治療 癲癇。這就是治療 我們獲得了銷售該產品的許可。 請記住,癲癇是一種嚴重的疾病。 賽諾菲一直在嚴格監控 並為健康提供信息 當局醫學界和患者。 衛生當局說你的申請 缺乏細節和你的警告 解釋不清,爭論多。 在浴室裡,我不認為我們含糊其辭。 我們報告所有信息 我們擁有。 那是他的短板。 讓我們選擇快速改變他們的集會。 他是社會事務監察長嗎? 進行了徹底的檢查 甲板的萬一它真的很大 2016年結案的做空偽證 這在科學上是不可能的 鑑於當時可用的數據 得出之間的直接相關性 丙戊酸和神經發育。 驕傲,2004。 你喜歡做那部分是如果你 知道在牛奶下有發展, 我們聯繫了衛生當局 2003年本田相遇或萬磁王 儘管一切, 你如何解釋你無法說服 衛生當局採取更快的行動 在告知醫療專業人員和 尤其是所有可能懷孕的患者? 病人繼續去那裡 終生保持不變。 反應能力。 這是我們公司的責任 始終確保信息 我們收集有關該產品的使用。 藥物警戒科學 事態發展不斷傳遞 給衛生當局。 這是我們的職責, 我們經常這樣做, 系統和透明。 雖然證據堆積如山 藥物 depakene 和 影響兒童的嚴重疾病, 又過了11年 以提醒患者。 2015年,賽諾菲終於來了 與 ANSM 的協議,官方 在法國許可毒品的機構。 提供的患者包裝說明書 與 DEPAKENE 被修改為明確 表明重大風險 畸形和發育問題。 大約 50 年後 藥物首次上市。 儘管有所有警告, 患者包裹中的警告 插入終於被納入 2015 用極其精確的術語。 你介意讀第一個嗎 硬打?段沒有,沒有。 你寧願我做。 好,去吧。 賽諾菲的患者包裝說明書是 現在所有語言都非常清楚。 Depakene 會嚴重傷害未出生的胎兒 嬰兒在懷孕期間服用。 暴露的兒童有很高的風險 嚴重的智力和運動發展 疾病和高達 30% 至 40% 的病例和 或約 10% 的病例出現畸形。 您不再需要 LCDR。 他們的論點是國家 授權我銷售該產品, 所以不要怪我。 但是在大眾汽車中等待 柴油門醜聞。 政府認為這些汽車適合上路 但大眾有責任支付 因為他們汽車的謊言和缺陷, 不是政府。 這很荒謬。 廠家有責任 為他們的產品。 德帕克尼, 當局一團糟, 但主要責任 在於製造商。 經過兩年的戰鬥,海軍陸戰隊 Mactalla 能夠確保發出警告 貼在 Depakene 標籤上, 就像那些在酒精飲料中發現的一樣。 所有製藥公司都在尋找 因為他們稱之為重磅炸彈。 一種治療廣泛疾病的藥物 並且可以在全球銷售 以維護專有權。 大型製藥公司有 制定了一些強有力的策略。 這是一個關於 AMD 的革命性治療方法, 年齡相關性黃斑變性。 一種嚴重致殘的眼病 這會導致失明。 全球數以百萬計的患者受到影響。 這也是比賽的故事 在兩種同樣有效的藥物之間, 一個比另一個貴 40 倍。 直到2005年,還沒有有效的治療方法 並且許多患者失明了。 瓦林德拉今天對我來說。 有些人以某種方式收錢。 師湯意大利症狀 印度米拉宮在維塔和 眼科醫生迪亞梅拉不僅是 PO。 然後出現了一種顯著的新藥 減緩疾病的進展。 直接注入眼睛的液體。 該療法開發於 美國並被設定為 徹底改變疾病的治療方式。 幾大眼科專家推出 數千名患者的臨床試驗。 他們無法治療。 這是永久性的主要原因 65 歲以上人群失明。 事實上,也許對於全世界的任何疾病, 製藥公司可以發揮作用, 特別是在研究和 新藥的開發。 他們投資多年 和很多美元。 話雖如此, 你知道他們是為了利潤 公司及其目標 就是要找到他們所說的 一種重磅炸彈藥物,他們可以 大量出售給大量人口。 這就是為什麼有很多 研發或研發 進入黃斑變性。 因為這是一種很常見的疾病。 第一種治療方法是由 美國實驗室,基因泰克。 它被稱為阿瓦斯汀, 新獲得美國 FDA 許可。 該藥被正式 用於治療結腸癌。 然後不小心, 一位美國教授發現 它的特性顯著延遲了 發展AMD並改善視力。 慢慢地,它會導致法律失明。 菲爾·羅森菲爾德開始試驗 靜脈注射阿瓦斯汀 治療新生血管性AMD。 真的沒有研究 製藥公司這樣做。 這真的是一些醫生和一個 齊心協力來的藥劑師 什麼可能是最佳的 阿瓦斯汀在眼中的劑量。 治療工作完美無瑕李。 Rosenfeld 教授介紹了他的研究結果 在一年一度的眼科會議上。 結果就像一無所有 我們以前見過。 我的每一位視網膜專家 知道誰在那個會議上或 下巴在地板上,因為 我們第一次看到 提高視力, 而每一個治療 在它下降之前出現 一年的視力, 我們以前從未見過。 而且因為我問過他是定價的。 給予。因為癌症不貴, 所以在最初的 6 到 12 個月, 全世界的每個人都是 使用 Avastin 治療這些 患者直到 Lucentis 出來。 同時,眼科研究人員 在同一個美國基因泰克 製藥實驗室 製造用於癌症的阿瓦斯汀 正在開發一種新的治療方法 專門針對 AMD Lucentis 引入 Lucentis 是一項突破 在新生血管性 AMD Lucentis 重新定義療效和尼爾。 所有的研究表明,這兩個 處理相同,除了 新的 Lucentis 治療非常多 對阿瓦斯汀來說更貴 注射一次阿瓦斯汀約 50 美元 然後當 Lucentis 出來的時候 眼內單次劑量為 2000 美元。 與此同時,在法國,藥劑師 醫院開始感興趣 在治療眼病 與用於癌症的阿瓦斯汀。 阿瓦斯汀是裝在瓶子裡的 用於注入眼睛。 藥劑師不得不重新包裝它 在較低劑量的注射器中。 好吧,我被殺了 就像戰爭一樣,你拿了一個文件, 一個裝有 16 毫升的小瓶子。 然後用它來填充一些注射器。 也許一批 50 眼科注射。 山姆,它需要重新包裝內容 將瓶子製成可注射的形式。 很鄙視,真的很重要 事情是要確保准備工作 交付前完全無菌 由眼科醫生管理。 注射器必須絕對無菌。 悲傷的消息出現了綠。 這意味著我們可以 注射器,每個約 50 歐元。 您必須包括員工成本 和測試費用加上場地 和設備必須付費。 當他們這樣做時, 我們的成本是二十倍 比Lucentis少, 一個注射器的成本約為 1000 歐元。 在歐洲,雖然價格昂貴, 新 Lucentis 眼的成本 治療還只有一半 在美國是怎樣的, 價格不受控制的地方。 該藥物由瑞士實驗室銷售。 諾華阿瓦斯汀由以下公司出售 其他大型瑞士實驗室熱潮, 買斷了 美國基因泰克公司。 清理超過 12 匹馬。 諾華和羅氏, 特別是 Rush 不喜歡它的時候 他們出售的產品用於治療 我們使用特定條件 治療其他疾病。 用於其他目的 比那些指定的。 目的地諾華和羅氏 然後製定了一個策略 阻止醫生使用阿瓦斯汀 治療眼部疾病和 說服他們注射 Lucentis。 Gucci 服務是你嗎 代表參觀 那個時候諾華還是搶的。 關於那種治療,絕對是的。 他們說他們沒有 了解我們為什麼使用阿瓦斯汀, 治療癌症的治療方法 眼科情況。 動物園交會有效 moravek。 我和將軍開了個會 諾華公司的經理來到 醫院問我為什麼堅持 製作這些阿瓦斯汀注射器時 Lucentis 是一種獲得許可的治療方法。 有沒有當地的, 最近Savino Toys 向我展示了salvar? 她不應該被期待, 所以我解釋了我的想法, 這是如何最好地服務於 公眾和耐心結盟 經濟和健康方面的考慮。 談話主要是關於 對患者的潛在危險與否。 這將發送已經通過你。 你以為諾華是 給你壓力? CCW印像如果是壓力, 它沒有任何威脅。 由於所有國際 研究表明平等 兩種治療的效果, 醫院藥劑師自然 偏愛最便宜的選擇。 拉什和諾華這兩個實驗室, 啟動了漫長的法律程序 反對法國政府。 這次演習注定要失敗。 阿瓦斯汀最終被授權用於 在法國使用,但為時已晚。 讓困難或警察系統這樣做。 衛生系統現在的問題 是它有一個這樣的設置 眼科醫生管理複雜 那基本上大家都放棄了。 移除他們的身體。 因此,幾乎所有接受治療的患者 對於 AMD 進行注射 在更昂貴的產品中, 包括諾華公司製造的一種。 2014年在意大利獲得第二名。 拉什和諾華被罰款 1.8 億歐元用於非法 兩種藥物的定價。 2020 年底,法國對拉什罰款 和諾華 4.44 億歐元。 阿爾瑪社區有人 誰真的很喜歡使用 Lucentis。 這是一種很好的藥物。 我對 製藥公司的作用 工業在我們的領域發揮作用。 沒有好主意就沒有進展 一家製藥公司的合作夥伴。 還有定價。 對我來說,尤其是當你有 50 美元的時候。 同樣有效的干擾器。 目前的價格絕對是 在我看來是站不住腳的。 估計是這樣。 美國每年節省 30 億美元。 通過使用vasas而不是Lucentis。 根據規定, 法國藥品管理局不能 強行製造阿瓦斯汀 用於治療 AMD 的注射器。 經過兩個月的談判, 跨國熱潮 拒絕接受采訪。 它的法律部門告訴我們,我們不 希望就這個主題發言或被拍攝, 但非常願意回答 您可能以書面形式提出的任何問題。 問為什麼實驗室 拒絕生產阿瓦斯汀 用於治療 AMD 的注射器? 回答 Rush 開發僅用於醫療的藥物 現有藥物未涵蓋的需求。 沒有治療選擇的地方。 拉什然後說不。 而公共當局是 無力逼迫他們的手。 遊說得到了回報。 很少使用更便宜的替代品。 最大的贏家是諾華。 巧合的是,它擁有三分之一的匆忙。 在美國,價格 藥物完全不受管制。 一旦 FDA 批准該藥物, 製藥公司 可以自由地強加他們的價格。 當選官員, 民主黨人和共和黨人都堅持, 並試圖迫使製造商 徒勞地降低新治療的成本。 最近的一種藥物發生了變化 健康經濟和定價過高 已經啟動了新的治療 之間的利益爭奪 最大的製藥公司。 這是美國的重大發現。 一種針對丙型肝炎的新療法。 它有助於治愈通常致命的慢性病 肝臟疾病通過根除病毒。 Savoldi 由吉利德製造,世界上 第十大製藥公司, 於 2014 年在美國市場推出。 三個月治療的價格, 84,000 美元,即每台平板電腦 1000 美元。 Sovaldi 是第一種藥物 這實際上可以治愈丙型肝炎。 三個月後,病毒消失了 是由現在非常 名為吉利德科學的大型製藥公司, 但吉利德與 發現 Sovaldi 的研究。 吉利德科學收購 Pharmasset 他們因為那個而買了它。 好吧,他們可以得到 Sovaldi 的幫助。 他們更關注疾病 因為那不會影響那麼多人, 但她的生死病 所以他們可以收取任何費用 想要,所以他們收取 84,000 美元。 吉利德科學的銷售額來了 325 億美元,其中 55%。 這是,根據年度報告。 是純利潤。 美國毒品然後擊中了 歐洲市場半價。 一個療程的治療價格 Sovaldi 是 42,000 歐元。 仍然高昂的成本引起了 引起了患者的極大憤慨。 啟動了非政府組織 Med Sound Home 在法國開展的宣傳活動。 230,000 名患者受到影響 42,000 歐元的流行音樂。 在健康保險方面, 丙型肝炎治療是一種 周圍最貴的。 開放的年輕,想念你的阿嬌 商業廣告是低 Sovaldi paskar zoom。 我們可以感謝 ghillie add 的營銷 savaldi 因為他們展示了更廣泛的 公眾今天不出售毒品 為他們應該出售的價格。 所以稍微反映了 吉利的必要性添加到 收回所涉及的巨額成本, 花了100億, 他們不得不定價很高。 不太好,但我聽說過 丙型肝炎是可以治療的。 現在可用的治療是昂貴的, 但它在 12 週內治癒了疾病。 然後它可以讓患有, 在那之前的大部分時間 被丙型肝炎譴責。 有限見瘦, 它處於相對強勢的位置, 有獨特的待遇 這提供了一種治療方法。 非常好的談判,而不是 健壯和緊張然後開始了。 今天的價格左轉 已經下降了一半以上。 迫於壓力,美國 製藥實驗室降低了價格 三個月的 Sovaldi 治療 在法國,從 42,000 到 24,000 歐元。 澳大利亞參議院委員會透露 公司保密的營銷策略。 使用 Oxa 小波斯語 do 化療律師很高興我們可以訪問 數千頁的內部吉利。 添加文檔以便我們可以看到 在吉利添加會議。 營銷理念在 定價的特殊想法, 但從未提及 研發的實際支出, 製造和營銷。 產能有問題嗎? 在這次內部演示中, 吉利德銷售團隊推薦 之間的介紹價格 80,000 和 85,000 美元, 消除對任何問題的擔憂 新聞界的潛在醜聞。 唯一關心的是如何實現利潤最大化。 實現強勁的財務利潤, 支付費用,然後繼續。 公共衛生考慮 從來都不是問題。 Marisol 兒童現在是 Unitaid 的負責人, 在內部運作的機構 世界衛生組織。 負責談判重大事項 大幅降價 製藥公司治療病人 在南半球, 全球 7100 萬人 攜帶丙型肝炎病毒。 基於雲的 Dookie 價格大幅下跌 規模可觀並成立 通過引進仿製藥和 給農民實驗室保證 我們將開放主要市場。 與其高價賣出一點, 我們提供了出售的機會 以較低的價格很多。 我們通過確保治療取得了勝利 價格合理。 好的,所以永遠不會。 因此,丙型肝炎的治療 使用生產的仿製藥 Mylan 的售價不到 80 美元。 僅在發展中國家可用。 在北半球, 一個療程還在 花費數十萬歐元。 藥價不再 反映了研究的真實成本。 而是,金融實力 幾家大公司爭先恐後 為了不成比例的利潤。 隨著新基因療法的出現 治療某些癌症或罕見疾病, 價格仍在上漲,達到 數十萬歐元。 所有主要的大型製藥公司都在 在這些新療法的競爭中。 他們挽救了生命,但代價是什麼? 對抗癌症的新基因療法 現在由一家瑞士公司銷售, 諾華,治療白血病。 它的名字是Kymriah。 其價格為每位患者 320,000 歐元。 該療法是由一個團隊發現的 公共資助的大學研究人員 在賓夕法尼亞大學。 但展示其財務實力, 諾華成為該專利的共同所有人。 血液學教授, XPO Warno 享有盛譽 血癌專家。 喲邀請技巧。 勞拉 Metroplus 影響治療。 基因有一個完整的技術 涉及使用基因療法的 bermet。 引入了一個基因,它允許 T細胞靶向患病細胞 並使它們能夠被摧毀。 坐下系統額外的顯示器。 這是一個非常有趣的系統, 但沒有理由 收取 350,000 歐元以查看狀態 法國的建築也隨之而來。 無疑要花費 30 或 40,000, 但不是 350,000 歐元。 你知道它曾經是製藥業。 顯然,這是農業產業的工作 留意一些有趣的事情。 下次我做的時候,研究不再 由醫藥行業執行。 工作由公開處理 受資助的研究停滯不前 讓製藥公司黯然失色。 他們不再做自己的創新, 他們做零創新或接近零。 創新仍在 來自 NIH 資助的研究。 我們現在看到的是 我認為是大的變化。 可怕的是這個巨大的變化是 幾乎完全專注 關於市場規模的數量, 它現在專注於價格。 他們獲得了一種藥物 對嚴重疾病有效。 多發性硬化症、癌症、 人們會患上的嚴重疾病 支付幾乎任何東西來得到和傑克 提高價格,以便它可以花費 數十萬美元。 多年來的治療我的意思是數百 和數千美元。 這是一個非常殘酷的商業模式 因為如果你付不起, 你不明白。 所以你還是不解consejos奧黛麗 癌症治療現在需要一些費用 像 300,000 或 400,000 歐元。 雖然癌症患者的數量 在法國大約有 1,800,000 每年有 400,000 例新的癌症病例, 我看不到未來我們如何 將能夠治療超過 150 萬人。 當價格在 30 萬歐元左右時, 我的意思是這應該很快。 只要讓我知道。 他有兩噸。 有一個完整的銷售宣傳 達到治療價值和 這些藥物的救命價值, 被巧妙地提出 意見領袖說服政府, 這基本上是說藥物可以治愈。 它們是一種獨特的產品。 高昂的代價是生命的代價。 這是純粹的營銷。 更好的治療意味著更高的價格。 Singerie 英國航空。 沒問題,安全應該是默認的。 問題是每個國家 為其跨國公司辯護, 法國捍衛賽諾菲。 美國為輝瑞公司辯護, 美國大公司。 瑞士捍衛諾華和羅氏。 解釋很難達成共識 將價格降至合理水平。 你的意思是你的嘴唇好 讀者珍娜合理嗎? 經過兩個月的談判, 跨國公司諾華轉向 放下我們的採訪請求。 相反,他們發送了一個簡單的新聞稿。 我們的新藥定價基於 他們為患者帶來的價值 衛生保健系統和社會。 我們努力考慮收入水平, 當地的負擔能力、障礙和 經濟現實,同時保持 我們業務的可持續性。 諾華告訴我們, 正如其代表所解釋的那樣, 對政治決策者 這種新的單劑量癌症 治療必須與 治療終生服用的藥物。 2019 年底,實驗室同意 法國略有下降, Kymriah 的價格去了哪裡 從 320,000 歐元降至 200 歐元 97,666 歐元。 FDA 現在在工資單上 醫藥行業。 他們向 FDA 的部分支付使用費 評估新藥以供批准, 所以這使得這部分成為 FDA 依賴於。那些公司 他們據說是在監管。 製藥公司喜歡它。 呃,因為它是 FDA 的一部分。 這非常評價他們的藥物 友好,因為他們支持它。 這是赤裸裸的利益衝突。 這應該有充足的資金,並且有 應該沒有利益衝突。 Write a comment... 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Big Pharma

The pharmaceutical industry exerts a huge amount of influence on health policy. Some companies develop highly profitable drugs with public money, while others have been found to have covered up serious side effects.

The fight against Covid-19 is further fueling the greed of pharmaceutical companies. Does the industry’s influence threaten public health systems?

The industry has seen major changes in the last decade. Most of the world’s pharmaceuticals are produced by a handful of large corporations, so-called Big Pharma. They’re richer and more powerful than ever. In some cases, they can even call the shots on governmental health policies.

This documentary is the result of more than a year of research, and brings together patients, whistleblowers, lawyers, doctors and politicians, as well as representatives of the industry. Large laboratories are accused of concealing or downplaying research results to maintain their monopolies. Take the manufacturer Sanofi, whose epilepsy drug Depakine triggered a scandal throughout Europe. In the US, Johnson & Johnson has had to stand trial for driving millions of people into opioid addiction. And Novartis is one of several companies now facing huge fines over improper practices in the treatment of macular degeneration, an eye disease.

The pharmaceutical industry gets support from influential doctors. But only one-fifth of German doctors declare what they receive from drug companies. As the world battles the Coronavirus pandemic, this documentary also looks at the lobbying efforts of manufacturer Gilead, as it seeks approval for a promising drug developed largely with public money. Every company is vying to find the next miracle treatment that will help it succeed against the competition.

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A Colourful Mind & Heart

Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

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