Growing Younger at Selfology

Anew Selfology Chapter

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The Selfology Roadmap

The First Seven Years from 2007 to 2014
2007 Autumn
The origin began from experiments with passion from a basement.
The origin of selfology

All great endeavours begin from the ground up, day by day.   

The Second Seven Years from 2014 to 2021
Wood River 木河
The Making of Wood River on May 22, 2014

The Making Of
The Wood River
May 22, 2014

July 1, 2014
A Leap of Faith
A Leap of Faith from The Basement to Granville & 16th

A leap of faith from the basement to the corner at Granville & 16th in Vancouver, our Second Seven Years is a journey filled with profound insights from the many miraculous people, and happenings along the way. 

All of the experiences together humble your mind and make you ask "deeper" questions.   

A number of unique world evolutionary happenings are also witnessed from the year 2014 to 2021.

We have every intention, in the near future, to share insightful information (at and our moon site, named, "") , so we can continue to grow our collective awareness of important subject matters that affect all folks.   

Please stay tuned by signing up for updates and executive summaries, or to get involved to shape future policies.   

The Mapping Begins
The Selfology Roadmappings
The Selfology Roadmaps

The Selfology Road Maps 

2014 → 2021
The Learning Curves
The Learning Curves

2014 → 2021

The Learning Curves

June 23, 2017
2017 Private Spa of the Year, Luxury Travel Guide
Private Spa of the Year 2017, Luxury Travel Guide of UK
May 1, 2018
Luxury Spa of the Year 2018, Luxury Travel Guide The Americas Edition
Luxury Spa of the Year 2018, Luxury Travel Guide The Americas Edition

The Luxury Travel Guide Awards recognise and celebrate excellence across all sectors of the affluent travel and tourism industry by presenting Luxury Hotel Awards, Luxury Awards, and well-known Global Luxury Travel Awards, and Luxury Hotel Awards.  Our team of experts have scoured the globe and travelled extensively in order to identify everything from the very best hotels, airlines and tour operators through to highlighting the most reputable transfer service companies.

2014 to 2020
Selfology Hair
Hair Department 2014 to 2020
The Hair Department ended in March 2020, at the onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic

The Selfology Hair Department remains closed since the onset of the Pandemic.   

The Hair Department closure has allowed the Superfamily to bring our focus back to our core passion, in the Spa and the Medical Spa department.

Since 2007
Selfology Spa
Award Winning Selfology Spa Flow
Selfology Spa

The Award Winning Selfology Spa Flow

Since 2014
Medical Aesthetics
Medical Aesthetics with Spa Care
Selfology Medical Aesthetics Spa (SMAS)
2021 Onwards
Anew Selfology Chapter
Anew is Making the Way 重新正在開闢道路
Anew Selfology Chapter: The Third Seven Years from 2021 onward.

Anew is Making the Way.

2020 - 2022
Creature Tales
The swirling and the creatures.
Riding the waves together. Holding hands and remembering.
Leap of Faith
When the heart is followed fully.
A Year of Ruth like faith.
Selfology Wellness
Granville & 41St
selfology® Wellness Spa @41STGRANVILLE

The Selfology Roadmap

The Selfology Manifesto

The purpose of selfology®


selfology® is the study and knowledge of a person’s uniqueness.  The purpose of Selfology™ is to desire solace for every self in the world for peace to follow.  Collectively actualized selves bring collective wellness making the world beautiful from within.


Selfologist desire people to be happy, healthy, and beautiful.  We desire to create a space for people’s true self.


Welcome to the selfology journey – where your radiant true self creates flow of happiness all around you.


Self-Awakening. Inner Peace. Global Peace. selfology®


The purpose of Selfology™ is to bring peace for all beings on this planet – our only home and our only hope, therefore, oneness is critical.  Undeniably, we are currently in the Deep Ecology mode, with far too many deep ecological questions needing “deep” answers urgently.


We hope as the ecology at large stabilizes through sheer global determinations, all selves can continue to maximize their human potential by improving their Self Ecology (自我生態™).  Healthy individuals improve the lives of those around them, generating wellness.


We also desire a humanistic way of being for all selves when approaching matters of all kinds.  For example, the world needs more entrepreneurs operating with compassionate hearts and teachers who teach the mind as well as the heart (the People Compass).


When you have a well planet with well people acting in conscience humanistic ways, we can thoroughly enjoy our individual Beauty Rights, the right to feel beautiful as your true self.


the selfology mission


We started this company because nothing matters more than the challenges that face us all today. global ecological issues, health care issues, human conflicts, and inequality of all kinds.  Kind of a long list and it all begins with our own body temple.


We wish to achieve a sustainable balance amongst the self, the ecology, the mind, and the expression, so we continually transform into a greater self, so we become a help to others.


The first mission for us is to “help as many people as possible (to) avoid becoming a hospital patient in the first place”.


“there is now abundant evidence that getting just four things right— not smoking, maintaining a healthy weight, being active, and eating could reduce the risk of all chronic diseases by 80 percent.   


That’s right 80 percent! (There are four things on the list, but by eating well and being physically active you will set yourself up for a healthy weight— so you really need to focus only on three things with the final one being not smoking). 


It’s a realization that could, and in my opinion should, remake the way we play the same of life, by inspiring us to make better lifestyle choices If you do it right, you can write new story for your future right down to the genetic level – to a preventive medicine specialist like me, this is of profound importance, because apathy and fatalism are among the biggest enemies of health and healing.


Becoming a doctor was a natural choice for me. My father is a doctor, and I knew I wanted to do something that mattered, that felt challenging and rewarding- During my training, I spent a lot of time trying to figure out the kind of doctor I really wanted to be, and I couldn’t help but notice that roughly eight out of ten hospitalized patients had serious illnesses, all of which could have been prevented by exercising, eating well, or not smoking.


It seemed tragic to me that these people were suffering and shattering their lives— when a more healthful lifestyle could essentially have immunized them against such misery. 


It was then that the path to my life’s work became clear: I started investigating how a doctor an expert in using lifestyle as medicine and how best to leverage nutrition, in particular, to help people avoid getting sick in the first place.


The rest, as they say, is history. I have been an internist and a preventive medicine specialist ever since. I rely on both aspects of my training to take care of existing and to try to help as many people as possible avoid becoming my (or any other doctor’s) patients in the first place!”


Katz M.D. David; Stacey Colino (2013-09-26).  Disease-Proof- The Remarkable Truth About What Makes Us Well (p.xii)









selfology® ebmb


The four founding faith for selfology®.


Deep Ecology for Earth

Selfologist must ask deeper ecological questions and find answers that are fair for our ecological partners on Earth. It has been a challenge to find genuinely ecological resources for our selfology® spa, and we are making progress every day.  We search locally and internationally for ecologically sound, effective, and harmless skincare resources and methodologies that do not sacrifice our desire to be beautiful – we believe it is our right to be beautiful without invasive harm.   We are grateful for Arne Naess, who provided the groundwork on the contemporary Deep Ecology philosophies.



Self Ecology (自我生態®) for Body

Each human is fundamentally similar yet we are each unique. Selfologist desire to find new ways to understand the self – about seven years ago we stumbled upon a lesser-known body type classification system clinically found by the Chinese Medical field named the 9-body-constituent system.   The system outlines 9 different types of bodies, with specificity on various manifestations ranging from suitable diet to behaviour qualities.    The system has only been around for 15 years and recently became a curriculum for authoritative TCM programs.   Selfologist realized the 9-body-constituent system is closely related to the body’s temperature and moisture level. Therefore, we have decided to express it using climate and geological terms. For example, one of the 9 Self Ecology Signs is named “DO” which stands for Desert Ocean – this body type predominantly feels dry therefore the most suitable balance is oceanic ways (for example thalassotherapy).  Another example is Rainforest Tundra “RT” – for people who are hot and damp who desires cool and dry for balance.




People Compass for Mind 

Selfologists’ sense of self is best described by a set of philosophies from Confucius’s Great Learning:


Illustrate Bright Virtue on the self

1. Curious and investigative

2. Extension of knowledge

3. A sincere mind

4. Cultivate good hearts

5. Cultivate good health


Love People

6. Cultivate love in the family

7. Cultivate love in the World

8. Cultivate peace


Rest in the Highest Excellence

9. selfology®




Beauty Rights – for Beauty

Human has rights and you feeling beautiful as “you” is also your right. It is people’s right to feel beautiful without invasive methodologies, social stereotypes, and various cliché pressures. The only person who can properly answer the metaphysical question of Who Am I is your very self. The world can change you only if you allow it to. Selfologist desire people to become happy, healthy, and beautiful rightfully.


Throughout time, our Beauty Rights Movement seeks special self to make them beautiful from within by humanistic ways, and share their journey with all to see.


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The New Word "Selfology" since 2014

The Gift of Selfology

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The Understanding


Explore Selfology

the selfology mission

We started this company because nothing matters more than the challenges that face us all today. global ecological issues, health care issues, human conflicts, and inequality of all kinds.  Kind of a long list and it all begins with our own body temple.

Anew Selfology Chapter

Private Spa of the Year

Selfology Anew Awaits

Wood River

The qualities of Person of Tomorrow Yesterday Today

Tomorrow's Person

The Westcoast Logos

Here is now, #mind


Wisdom from Carl R. Rogers’ book “Way of Being” (1980) on what he believes as key elements for being a great person of tomorrow. Rogers defines it as “those who are young in mind and spirit — and that often means those who are young in body as well”.


To have a young #body, one begins with the care of that #body, and that #body is powered by the mighty #mind.

The qualities of Person of Tomorrow,


1. Openness (open to new experiencing, new ways of seeing, new ways of being).


2. Desire for Authenticity (desire to reject hypocrisy and double talks).


3. Skepticism regarding science and technology (mindful of what technology does to humanity).


4. Desire for Wholeness (desire for wholeness of life with various elements integrated into their experiences).


5. The Wish for Intimacy (seeking new forms of closeness, of intimacy, of shared purpose).


6. Process Person (knows change is a certainty of life, therefore, being graceful on the changing processes).


7. Caring (offer real help to real problems and be suspicious of professional helpers).


8. Attitude Toward Nature (alliance with the elemental nature and not the conquest of nature).


9. Anti-Institutional (against inflexible archaic bureaucratic systems that are no longer relevant to our #ebmb namely earth body mind & beauty).


10. The Authority Within (trust in your experience and do not automatically trust external authority as the right moral stance).


11. The Unimportance of Material Things (being indifferent to materialism driven by bad-capitalism).


12. A Yearning for the Spiritual (seekers of meaning and purpose in life that is greater than the individual).


Carl Rogers, a game-changing psychologist in our time who founded the “Human Potential Project” (as in our motto “the best you in the best world”) is the driver for his humanistic therapy approaches. Rogers published his last book “Way of Being” in 1980, a few years before his passing.   


These are the guiding principles for all Superfamily within selfology, organized under People Compass (#selfology #ebmb #mind #peoplecompass).


Openness from selfology 

《 The Selfology Book of Love 》 Where we gather the loving and the unloving stories - a form of anthopological documentation over time in one place To "Grow Younger", we must use Love • The Ways at Selfology • Methodologies by our Growing Younger Spirit​ Transformation by our Hands and Hearts Sometimes, in order to enjoy the peacefullness, we must stand up against certain way of being. Since 2014, the Serlfology Superfamily has been fighting online bullies of sorts and we have learned a few rather interesting things and this is the place to share that as well. The majority of this evolving page will focus on the loving words by people who has visited Selfology. We will also be holding some voice podcast for the Superfamily dialogues regarding the many Ways of Beings. Person of Tomorrow by Carl Rogers' Way of Being

On Air

The Rising Channels

Take notes and hold the line.

On What Matters


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《 selfology® 自我生態® 》

Names at Selfology

You are a flower of wonder and delight
You fill my senses with your heavenly scent
You remind

Visit Page

On Air

The Rising Channels

Treat yourself

Take a Moment for You