Rising Together: Selfology's Pursuit of Justice and Equity in the Wrath of Ruthlessness 共同崛起:自我學在無情的憤怒中追求正義和公平

Today, we implore you not only to hear our story but to champion a cause that transcends our plight—the cause of justice, fairness, and the pursuit of a better society.

Historical Significance 95

2023.11.20 1800 [CHG] LFBC Public Interest Grant for CHG to YesterYear YY,  The Great Relocation of 2022


DATE:   Monday, November 20, 2023 at 1800


Rising Together: Selfology’s Pursuit of Justice and Equity in the Wrath of Ruthlessness


5701 Granville Street Unit 228
Vancouver BC V6M4J7
Story at selfology.co/41

Monday, November 20th, 2023

Dear Esteemed Members of the Law Foundation of BC Panel,

In the crucible of adversity, we find ourselves before you, seeking not merely assistance but a beacon of justice to illuminate the path towards change.   Our case is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, and we are keenly aware there are many more like us and there remains an urgency for a wholehearted reform, to reduce victims as well as to help fine-tune our justice delivery system.

Today, we implore you not only to hear our story but to champion a cause that transcends our plight—the cause of justice, fairness, and the pursuit of a better society.

A Plea from the Heart

In the halls of justice, where decisions shape destinies, we bring forth a story that echoes the struggles of many.

We stand at the crossroads of injustice, armed with words and not with swords, words with power (history is sacrosanct) mixed with an indomitable spirit that refuses to bow before adversity.

The “Great Relocation of 2022”, is a call to action—a testament to the power of unity and the collective will to overcome.

Navigating the Pandemic Waves

The toll of the pandemic remains uncertain, yet the impact on lives, fueled by various behaviours, is undeniable.

Uncertain Survivor Numbers

The exact number of survivors from all kinds of causes remains uncertain, but what is clear is that many have not weathered the waves of the pandemic when also being blind-sided by their supposed support network, such as being blind-sided by their landlords.  To be fair, the good landlords also face questionable renters.   What is undeniable is overall, there are many systems with administrative blackholes stories, from POS providers (the one overseen by Procurement Canada PSPC for example) to Telecom Communication fraud and scams, to those within our government, and we know there are many more stories from people across the board to keep the list going.

These waves, coupled with the questionable above, have significantly impacted lives, and are posed to repeat in many ways if we have the same system serving people in future waves, a system funded by taxpayers.

Upholding Public Interest: Unmasking Ruthless Exploits

We are securing funding to help us further organize our   (such as the image of the “Diary Dates” in SharePoint related to the prior landlord in the footnote0[1]), and with the dawn of new tools like the Co-Pilot by Microsoft this Christmas, we believe we can improve the Effort-to-Results Ratio (ETR Ratio) by far.  It is akin to giving an accountant the Excel program, or akin to giving a lawyer a Word program with a lively AI research assistant working at the speed of your thought anytime.

While our case revolves around commercial and monetary concerns, it may be perceived as less urgent compared to egregious crimes such as war crimes committed by political figures or human trafficking orchestrated by malicious individuals that may be before the panel.

We Have Been Fooled by the Ruthless.

However, it’s crucial to recognize the significance of our case, especially for working-class small businesses. Life persists, albeit altered, near or even bankrupted, yet the unscrupulous groups of organized individuals continue to deceive the “fools” and the good people who may be unaware of their cunning tactics, under many brands under their network of companies here and overseas.   In simple words, the crooks are still fooling the fools, both the people and the government and we suggest it is worth examining.

The Ruthless and The CERS by Canadians

Amidst the relentless actions of the “ruthless,” which we refer to them and their enabling characters as the Ruthless Landlord (RL) who wrongfully displace people, especially during the pandemic time all while government aids such as CERS (Canadian Emergency Rent Subsidy) is still within clear view.  Therefore the examination of the CERS is another bucket list item that will touch on many.

The Ruthless Still Fooling Fools

And then, to have the Ruthless Landlord (RL) advertising on many street corners, promoting how ‘good’ they are to unsuspecting people—makes us feel ‘clobbered’, and wonder if we have to rule out advocacy forever.   Especially when we often see landlords and developers celebrated by local City Mayors as champions of the homeless and affordability solutions.

A phenomenon commonly referred to as the Greater Fool Theory (GFT) is what comes to mind when we think of all these deeds together and deep down we know that Awareness Education (AE) has to help,  at least a little.   But we are ourselves in a rough, so that remains unachievable.   For the moment, the crooks know the legal reality and without meaningful enforcement, the crooks run amock.

Accountability to Canadians

Now, with all of the above imagery, add another juxtaposition of the same Ruthless Landlord’s advertisement billboards at an assortment of exotic Panama Island with names like the “Isle of Man” and more,  showing off their shiny new toys built on the Canadian land, on our soil and promoted via many channels including online “influencer realtor” for these “luxury” reality in oversea sale centres, as seen on the Cullen Commission report’s 101 recommendations.

A side note is how freely they can buy, sell, exchange, and barter in cash, avoiding most if not all of the Canadian tax and duties that apply to all of us except thee.   Albeit after a lot of expert enablers from lawyers to bankers at these exotic locations like how you have “seen online” in the Panama Papers.    We propose money CRA can claw back should have a portion of it allocated towards Awareness Education (AEs).

As told by many Canadian political figures in history, we, the Small Business Middle-Class folks, are critical to Canada in so many ways.   They seem to have a pattern of repeating the same podium speech every four years or so, and sometimes a little more repetitive depending on their “poll analyst” needs we observed.

Those of us who work hard to “farm” and “grow” this Canadian land and soil will often choose to believe one more time.   Yet, in the end, those of us farming on our land, remain fooled.

What Drives Ruthlessness?

So, what could it be, that drives their ruthlessness?   Is it merely just greed that drives them into such dark ways?

We prompted the ponderings to AI-LLM, and part of the answers are as follows.  Feel free to see the comments attached to this section in the PDF version of this letter to read the full answer.

“the term that might capture the essence of the described conditions and feelings is often referred to as “exploitation” or “predatory behaviour.” Exploitation generally conveys the idea of taking advantage of others for one’s gain, often at the expense of the exploited individuals…In a legal context, terms like “unfair business practices” or “fraudulent behavior” may be used to describe actions that harm individuals or businesses…a more colloquial or psychological term, you might consider “predatory capitalism,” which refers to a form of capitalism where profits are achieved at the expense of others, often exploiting vulnerable individuals or groups…In the context you provided, where the Ruthless Landlord is exploiting people through misleading advertisements and engaging in questionable financial activities, terms like “predatory real estate practices” or “unscrupulous business tactics” could also be relevant…it’s worth noting that the creation of a “new” word for these specific conditions and feelings might involve coining a term based on the unique aspects of the situation. However, the existing terms mentioned above should provide a starting point for conveying the exploitative or predatory nature of the described behaviours.”

Our Collective Goal—Awareness Education and Change so Less Fools Around for Crooks

Deep down, our Intention, our collective goal is to combat the rise of fools in various ways so we can bring about Awareness Education and Change ‘CHG’, rather than only a single purpose of trying to bring down the crooks.   Exactly, Education is key to Good Democracy.

Our Intention (primary matter), during the fulfilment journey such as now, will drive the change, and then the secondary matters (like the downfall of crooks) will merely be consequential happenings that will not consume us too much as it will just happen naturally.

A Fulfillment Journey for us is something that is never finished as it only ends and begins as needed.

The idea is to keep the whole process peaceful and cool-headed for a better chance to bring truly good people to make good Changes for An Earth For All (CHG E4A) during this process for justice and hope that justice for a few can spread to many.

See our section near the end about our mindset for treating the “enemy”.  This is our agreed Rule of Engagement/Engagement Rule[3]  if you will, in this rather open letter to many as anyone can read this if they so wish.   Simply put, we do not want to place our precious energy into our enemy.  We want to place our precious energy into building a better system with people who choose to love even after such hateful events, by words and not by swords[4].

Again, we intend to have fewer unbeknownst “fools” for the “crooks” and in so to break the GFT chain altogether[5].

It may very well mean a completely “New” way of doing things.

Quantifying the Hurt: A Few Hundred Cases Per Director Per Year?

From one of the transcribed calls with their “Director” circa November 20, 2020, where the Director told us he handled a few hundred cases in that year 2020 alone, and so by interpolation, how many more like us out there?

In the midst of the treacherous waters of a once-in-a-century pandemic, having a good Ark (e.g. a good landlord), and a robust support system, will of course make life significantly more manageable.   Are we not to cherish Relationships over small monetary differences?  Are we not to cherish the ability to help more people when you have the knowledge of how-to in the industry you serve? Are we doctors who flock to money?  Are we lawyers who flock to money?  However, can you blame this game for its current rules?  They have bills to pay, souls to be sold, right?

Knowing the revolving door syndrome is also not helping with the watchtower over these industries, as the pool of people is small and knowing each other, like in a very small town, makes execution  “humanly” impossible for these “heavenly” roles (roles with great powers needs better protection including pay and security from both harms from crooks, as well as including being hired by them afterwards, see Mr. Hogan for the live debate on that topic[6])

Who oversees these things, we wonder?  In the end, we should have ingrained into our minds and hearts since 2014 when we signed the lease with them with a golden rule from a wise team (see quote below).     These are wise words we have kept in mind and heart when we searched for a new landlord during the Great Relocation of 2022, to where we are now at the new Granville & 41St.

While at the Granville & 16th location in Vancouver from 2014.07.01 to 2022.01.31 (July 1, 2014, and January 31, 2022, thus Eight Years and Seven Months), with the old Ruthless Landlord/RL, it brings our mind to the following quote from a conversation between two wise (and likely good) Souls,

Seasoned investors like Warren Buffett often remind us that dealing with individuals of bad character rarely leads to favourable outcomes.

His words are, “You can’t make a good deal with a bad person.”

The conversation where this quote is mentioned,

QUICK: And while the pair delivered market beating performances with the Berkshire portfolio for four and a half decades, they have lagged the S&P 500 for the last 5 and 10 years leading some to question whether they’ve lost their touch. They’re not concerned.

[MAY 2021] MUNGER: I’m quite comfortable holding Berkshire. I think our businesses are better than the average on the market.

QUICK: We asked Munger and Buffett their thoughts on some of the latest headlines in the business world, those that could have lasting impact on how markets operate beginning with Credit Suisse’s five and a half billion dollar loss stemming from its business with Archegos Capital Management.

MUNGER: Think of how massively stupid that was. And of course, it was the lure of the really easy money that the idiot was paying you, being the prime broker for a jerk. But he was a convicted insider trader that came out of the craziest part of the hedge fund industry. And they were getting unusual profits by extending unusual credit. I mean, it was just, the world was shouting at them, “Crook. Fool.” And they didn’t listen. They thought, “This is where the easy money is, crooks and fools.”

BUFFETT: There’s one rule–

MUNGER: We don’t like either of–

BUFFETT: That, that we learned a long time ago is that you can’t make a good deal with a bad person. Just forget it. Now, if you think you can draw up a contract that, that is going to work against a bad person, they’re gonna win. But one thing, they, they probably enjoy litigation but ah, Berkshire Hathaway as an entity, or me personally, or anything, we don’t wanna spend our life, you know, doing that sort of thing. And, and besides, the bad guys win. They know more games. They may lose eventually in the but, but it’s no way to spend your life.

QUICK: Charlie, it wasn’t just Credit Suisse that got pulled in by that. There were a lotta firms that were doing business with Archegos and–

MUNGER: Yes. Yes. They were all foolish. But, but Credit Suisse has managed to be the biggest fool of all.

BUFFETT: Well, Becky, if you look back–

MUNGER: A lot of competition for that order–

BUFFETT: In nineteen–

MUNGER: Honor.

From https://www.cnbc.com/2021/06/29/cnbc-transcript-billionaire-investors-warren-buffett-charlie-munger-sit-down-with-cnbcs-becky-quick-for-cnbcs-buffett-munger-a-wealth-of-wisdom-.html


We Are “Lucky” (Sarcasm)

We consider ourselves “lucky” to have found our landing spot in the end, but not after a year of rafting and floating in the rough sea, after being thrown out ruthlessly, from 2022.01.31 to 2023.03.00, and in that year of floating around, we kept going with Ruth-like faith, things every which way (in temporary storage and RR’s Homes[7]), as we rent and share two small treatment room in a nearby nail salon.   The Good Souls, Relatable Relationships (aka VIP in our CRM) have kept our faith in flame, protecting it from extinguishment, and we are acutely aware that many others were also hurt by these kinds of wrongful actions.

In the midst of the once-in-a-century pandemic, a reliable support system, akin to a sturdy ark, becomes indispensable.   Our acknowledgement of being fortunate contrasts sharply with the painful reality that many others have suffered due to these ruthless actions.

Anew Village.  The Birth of a New Togetherness

Embracing a New Era of Unity of Oldtimers and Newcomers

Look within, a journey to craft a new home with awakened hearts in servitude for the universal world.   A Superfamily’s Journey and the Birth of a New Togetherness, where we choose to look within amidst challenges and to ask our souls to do better, and by new ways, we can wake up the dreaming fools still with a good heart who may simply be looking too outward.

Building Anew: Fostering Unity in Vancouver

We will explore the Heartbeats of Selfology: our Gratitude and Our Wakeful Dreams (true daydreams) for the Superfamily.    One of the Day Dreams is a project using the newness of tools (AI -LLM for example) to bring fun and practical tools for Newcomers and Oldtimers via channels such as ESL programs.   Examining the translation of their familiar word to English is in itself a great Canadian experience ingratiation methodology[8].   We will be inviting more Oldtimers for Show and Tell in the Newcomer AI-LLM Prompting Classes.  Much more to reveal about this project, in this personal volunteerism driven by a challenge we documented.  It gives us another good reason to examine the matter for public interest and hope for good.

We hope for the examination of what we have documented and that will require some help including a grant.   That moment is now, and please, we need your help and guidance.

YesterYears (YY) Chronicle

Our narrative is interwoven with the people we’ve encountered through our journey as a working-class small business.   We call them Good Souls, and they often come from different cultures, religions, and faiths.

Our clientele extends beyond being mere customers (hence we call them Relatable Relationships/RR, within Superfamily) – they are the essential network of people who empowered the resilience of the Selfology Superfamily during the challenges of YesterYear (YY).  So to us they are the Good Souls/GS.

All these may be useless for the moment, all this documentation.   During these moments we remember the point of the ‘sand mandala’ is not about completing (Finishing) but knowing how everything Ends and so, it Begins (say, anytime water comes).

We often find very useful things from old scripts in the library (cloud or real).   May our 2TB of info be useful in another space of time, down the road, for another Good Soul.

Documenting History

The Good Souls we have met in the recent YesterYears (2020-2023), all have intriguing stories of immigration, hospitals (health), financial (wealth), and more.  They have been instrumental to the Superfamily.    We are organizing our collective stories to find a way to share them in our history section, at “selfology.co/HISTORY”.    Day by day, every day, the Day shall come.

Every character and story from the YesterYear, even the soulless, deserves to be remembered. Hence, we named it the Great Relocation of 2022, The Ruthful and the Ruthless, at

The Ruthless and the Ruthful: The Great Relocation of 2022


A Crucial Turning Point

Our objective today is to present a case that serves as a catalyst for substantial change. This change is not just vital for the directly affected but also for the broader public interest. From housing affordability to homelessness, we aim to inject critical elements into the discourse, recognizing the pivotal role of developers and landholders in the economic landscape.

Turning Minds

We hope this catalyst will be a turning point for those previously hesitant to embrace change.  Our goal is to summon collective goodwill and spirit to foster better treatment for all involved parties.

The actions need not be organized under any large single umbrella; instead, it can naturally bloom, guiding everyone involved, almost like a Wikipedia that serves a deeper level of need, beyond encyclopedia, to help present cases to the public for awareness education, transparencies, an Open Source kind of idea for all kinds of examination of the collective data, and so thy change comes.

As it evolves and continues, it shall hold each moment accountable to the next moment[9].


Defining Moment and Public Interest Grant

This is a defining moment, and we are seeking a public interest grant.

Legal Representation Hurdles

The Asymmetry in Legal Support

Securing legal counsel is a significant hurdle. Drawing from one of our leader’s experiences as a former manager for an award-winning insurer, the stark contrast in treatment becomes apparent. Addressing issues from housing to homelessness requires bridging the resource gap between small entities like ours and major developers.

Broad Implications for Public Interest

Our story, though small in scale, holds broader implications for public interest. Ensuring fair representation is paramount as we strive for positive outcomes.

Background Information

Our group has suffered a substantial loss of at least approximately $200,000 due to a forceful and wrongful eviction by the previous Ruthless Landlord (RL).  We are unable to afford any specialist to calculate the true losses, and this is a very rudimentary estimate.


Surviving part of the “wrongful” ordeal, we are still facing many afront and challenges, however at least we have an internet connection, new and better technology for less costs, a moment of stability, a roof over our heads, a good new landlord and Property Manager combo, and the Good Souls near us to help everyone growing for the better.

An Appeal to the Decision Panel

We appeal to each member of the decision panel, recognizing the multitude of cases before you.   Here, as mentioned earlier, the Superfamily agreed to the Rule of Engagement/Engagement Rule (see “A Peaceful Approach to Dealing with Enemies” section in the following)  when we decided to gather our faith and strength to publish our case before the “public” eyes, applying for “public interest” funding.

If without the funding, we have no funds to proceed with our faith for the moment and will have to wait further (however, remember it’s never finished—it merely ends and begins).

However, we hope the seed will never dry out and can germinate when the water comes.  Perhaps by the time we have the resources, it would be too late, over the statutory, memories faded, and worse of all, many more victims later.


A Peaceful Approach to Dealing with Enemies – Our Ethos and Logos


How to Respond to Harm with Compassion

In conclusion, we wish to share some insights from various sources that inspire us to deal with those who hurt others.   They show us the power of kindness, forgiveness, and nonviolence, and they challenge us to practice these values in our lives.  One of these sources is the Sermon on the Mount, a collection of teachings attributed to Jesus of Nazareth, a Jewish prophet and reformer. He said:

“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.” (Matthew 5:43-45, NIV)

These words were originally spoken in Aramaic, the language of Jesus and his followers. The meaning of the word love in this context is not a sentimental or romantic feeling, but a willingness to do good to those who do not deserve it, and to seek their well-being even at a cost to oneself. This is the same kind of love that many religions and philosophies teach, and that some people believe is the essence of the divine.

We know that this is not easy and that we may have strong emotions and opinions about this issue.  But we also believe that this is the only way to overcome the darkness and hate that divide us, and to find a common ground for healing and freedom.  Another source that motivates us is Martin Luther King Jr., a civil rights leader and Nobel Peace Prize laureate. He said,

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

He first spoke these words in a sermon at Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama, on November 17, 1957. He later repeated them in his book Strength to Love and in many other speeches and writings. He was inspired by the teachings of Jesus and the example of Gandhi, who also advocated for nonviolent resistance against oppression and injustice.

As we are, the Superfamily as well, is here with words not with swords, communicating with the Law Foundation of BC, henceforth, fighting to empower the ‘words’ in the book of law.

A Call to Conscience

In concluding our appeal, we ask not for mere acknowledgement but for a resonance in your hearts.  The legacy of justice is forged not solely in statutes but in the empathy and conviction of those entrusted with its guardianship.  As you deliberate, please kindly remember that your decision is more than a grant—it is a beacon that guides the trajectory of justice in our society —we implore you to be the architects of change, and to let stories like ours gather together and become the catalyst for a brighter, more equitable future.

Thank you for listening.

With unwavering hope,


Mx Jessica Yu & Mx Peter Tu

On Behalf of the Selfology Superfamily

Email/  coc@selfology.co

Phone/Fax/SMS/ +1 (604) 736-7353 (SELF)

Reach by Hand, Heal by Heart, Evolving the Way with Ways





2023.11.20 1800 [CHG] LFBC Public Interest Grant for CHG to YesterYear YY,  The Great Relocation of 2022. 1

Rising Together: Selfology’s Pursuit of Justice and Equity in the Wrath of Ruthlessness 2

A Plea from the Heart. 2

Navigating the Pandemic Waves. 3

Uncertain Survivor Numbers. 3

Upholding Public Interest: Unmasking Ruthless Exploits. 3

We Have Been Fooled by the Ruthless. 4

The Ruthless and The CERS by Canadians. 4

The Ruthless Still Fooling Fools. 4

Accountability to Canadians. 5

What Drives Ruthlessness?. 5

Our Collective Goal—Awareness Education and Change so Less Fools Around for Crooks. 6

Quantifying the Hurt: A Few Hundred Cases Per Director Per Year?. 7

We Are “Lucky” (Sarcasm).. 9

Anew Village.  The Birth of a New Togetherness. 10

Embracing a New Era of Unity of Oldtimers and Newcomers. 10

Building Anew: Fostering Unity in Vancouver. 10

YesterYears (YY) Chronicle. 10

Documenting History. 11

A Crucial Turning Point. 11

Turning Minds. 11

Defining Moment and Public Interest Grant. 12

Legal Representation Hurdles. 12

The Asymmetry in Legal Support. 12

Broad Implications for Public Interest. 12

Background Information.. 12

An Appeal to the Decision Panel. 12

A Peaceful Approach to Dealing with Enemies – Our Ethos and Logos. 13

How to Respond to Harm with Compassion.. 13

A Call to Conscience. 14




[2] Indeed, many city mayors have recognized the crucial role of landlords and developers in addressing housing shortages and affordability issues. For instance, in Toronto, Mayor Olivia Chow has put together a new housing committee to tackle the city’s housing shortage1. The committee is tasked with delivering on Chow’s campaign promise of building 25,000 rent-controlled homes over the next eight years1. Similarly, Mayor John Tory’s 2023 Housing Action Plan, which focuses on getting more homes built or made available in Toronto as quickly as possible while also making housing more affordable, was approved by the Toronto City Council2. The plan aims to modernize the city’s approach to housing by removing exclusionary zoning that has focused growth in just a few areas of the city and prevented housing choice for residents2. These initiatives highlight the importance of collaboration between city officials, landlords, and developers in creating sustainable solutions for homelessness and housing affordability. It’s a complex issue that requires the involvement of all stakeholders to ensure that everyone has access to safe and affordable housing.


[3] The Rule of Engagement/Engagement Rule is a set of guidelines agreed upon by the group. It outlines how to interact with their perceived “enemy” during this process. The rule is mentioned in an open letter, which is accessible to anyone who wishes to read it.

[4] We believe in using words, not swords, to bring about change. They aim to invest their energy in building a better system with people who choose love over hate, even in the face of adv


[5] The intention is to disrupt the GFT (presumably an acronym for a negative cycle or system) by reducing the number of “fools” for the “crooks”. This suggests a desire to educate and empower individuals to prevent them from being exploited by unscrupulous entities.

[6]Former BC Premier John Horgan, after stepping down from his position, has taken up a role in the business sector. He joined the board of Elk Valley Resources, a British Columbia coal-producing company. This decision has sparked mixed reactions, given his previous political role and the nature of the industry1. However, Horgan has defended his decision, highlighting the distinction between metallurgical coal (used to make steel) and thermal coal (used to generate electricity). He also noted that the company is committed to achieving carbon neutrality by 20501.

The term “Revolving Door” refers to the movement of high-level employees from public-sector jobs to private-sector jobs and vice versa. The idea is that there is a revolving door between the two sectors as many legislators and regulators become lobbyists and consultants for the industries they once regulated and some private industry heads or lobbyists receive government appointments that relate to their former private posts. Such instances have grown in democracies in recent years with increased lobbying efforts and have led to debate over the extent former government officials are allowed to utilize connections formed and knowledge attained in previous jobs in public service to enrich themselves or be overly influential on shaping or watering down pending legislation.

During his tenure in the B.C. Ministry of Management Services in the 1990s, Horgan played a key role in overseeing the expansion of gambling across the provinceThis included the introduction of slot machines in Vancouver1.


A controversy arose when a wealthy couple, Rodney and Ekaterina Baker, allegedly chartered a private plane to a remote community in Yukon to receive COVID-19 vaccines meant for vulnerable Indigenous residentsRodney Baker was the president and CEO of the Great Canadian Gaming Corporation, which owns more than 20 casinos in British Columbia, Ontario, New Brunswick, and Nova ScotiaThe incident sparked a debate about privilege and access to vaccines.



[7] RR, Relatable Relationships, our VIP Customers and Long time supportors, lending out their basement to store many more fragiles.  That is part of the story about the Good Souls

[8] The sentence suggests that the act of translating familiar book/article into English is, in and of itself, a Canadian experience characterized by ingratiation. “Ingratiation” typically refers to efforts to gain approval or acceptance. In this context, it implies that the process of translating a familiar term into English is a way of aligning with Canadian language and cultural norms, possibly to foster understanding or connection within the Canadian context.

[9] A public accountability app if you will.   Podium speech in multiple languages (e.g. English switching to French is a waste of time, as we have 111 more key languages for inclusivity, for example) replaced by proper documentation with accountability, and for experts to study the data anytime.  Or simply a LinkedIn to keep track of any public figure’s timeline and documentation.   A live CV and a public report card.

Indeed, many city mayors have recognized the crucial role of landlords and developers in addressing housing shortages and affordability issues. For instance, in Toronto, Mayor Olivia Chow has put together a new housing committee to tackle the city’s housing shortage1. The committee is tasked with delivering on Chow’s campaign promise of building 25,000 rent-controlled homes over the next eight years1.

Similarly, Mayor John Tory’s 2023 Housing Action Plan, which focuses on getting more homes built or made available in Toronto as quickly as possible while also making housing more affordable, was approved by the Toronto City Council2. The plan aims to modernize the city’s approach to housing by removing exclusionary zoning that has focused growth in just a few areas of the city and prevented housing choice for residents2.

These initiatives highlight the importance of collaboration between city officials, landlords, and developers in creating sustainable solutions for homelessness and housing affordability. It’s a complex issue that requires the involvement of all stakeholders to ensure that everyone has access to safe and affordable housing.

The term that might capture the essence of the described conditions and feelings is often referred to as “exploitation” or “predatory behavior.” Exploitation generally conveys the idea of taking advantage of others for one’s gain, often at the expense of the exploited individuals. Predatory behavior implies actions that exploit or harm others, typically for personal gain or profit.

In a legal context, terms like “unfair business practices” or “fraudulent behavior” may be used to describe actions that harm individuals or businesses for personal gain.

If you’re looking for a more colloquial or psychological term, you might consider “predatory capitalism,” which refers to a form of capitalism where profits are achieved at the expense of others, often exploiting vulnerable individuals or groups.

In the context you provided, where the Ruthless Landlord is exploiting people through misleading advertisements and engaging in questionable financial activities, terms like “predatory real estate practices” or “unscrupulous business tactics” could also be relevant.

It’s worth noting that the creation of a “new” word for these specific conditions and feelings might involve coining a term based on the unique aspects of the situation. However, the existing terms mentioned above should provide a starting point for conveying the exploitative or predatory nature of the described behaviors.

A public accountability app if you will.   Podium speech in multiple languages (e.g. English switching to French is a waste of time, as we have 111 more key languages for inclusivity, for example) replaced by proper documentation with accountability, and for experts to study the data anytime.  Or simply a LinkedIn to keep track of any public figure’s timeline and documentation.   A live CV and a public report card.

Legal Representation Challenges

One significant challenge we face is securing legal counsel. As a former manager for an award-winning and centenarian company and insurer for sixty years, I’ve witnessed the stark contrast in treatment between those with insurance and a Working Class Small Business like ours from the same address book of people.  This discrepancy is particularly evident as we aim to catalyze real change – this is how they know they can get away with most of their wrongful and hurtful action that stems from their ruthless hearts.

In addressing issues from housing affordability to homelessness, obtaining legal support becomes crucial. The asymmetry in resources between us and major developers underscores the need for a level playing field in these discussions.

Our story, while that of a small entity, reflects broader implications for public interest. As we seek positive outcomes, ensuring fair representation becomes paramount.

  1. Chinese Traditional  (CHTW)

2023.11.20 1800 [CHG] LFBC CHG 公益補助金 2022 年大搬遷






日期:2023 年 11 月 20 日星期一 1800







自我學 ®

5701 Granville Street Unit 228溫哥華 BC V6M4J7

selfology.co/41 的故事








在逆境的熔爐中,我們發現自己擺在你們面前,不僅尋求援助,而且尋求正義的燈塔,照亮變革的道路。  我們的案件證明瞭人類精神的韌性,我們敏銳地意識到還有更多像我們一樣的人,仍然迫切需要全心全意地進行改革,以減少受害者並説明微調我們的司法系統。  








2022 年大搬遷”是行動的號召——證明瞭團結的力量和克服的集體意志。






各種原因的倖存者的確切人數仍不確定,但可以肯定的是,許多人沒有經受住大流行的浪潮,同時也被他們所謂的支持網路蒙蔽了雙眼,例如被房東蒙蔽了雙眼。 公平地說,好的房東也面臨著有問題的租房者。  不可否認的是,總體而言,有許多系統都有行政黑洞故事,從 POS 供應商(例如由加拿大採購部 PSPC 監督的供應商)到電信通信欺詐和詐騙再到我們政府內部的那些,我們知道還有更多來自各行各業的人的故事來保持名單。  





我們正在獲得資金,以幫助我們進一步組織我們精心記錄和記錄的資訊(例如 腳注0F 0F[1]中與前任房東相關的SharePoint中“日記日期”圖像),以及Microsoft的Co-Pilot等新工具的出現今年耶誕節,我們相信我們可以大大提高努力與結果比率(ETR Ratio)。 這類似於給會計師一個Excel程式,或者類似於給律師一個Word程式,一個生動的人工智慧研究助理隨時以你的思想速度工作。 





然而,認識到我們案例的重要性至關重要,尤其是對於工薪階層的小企業。生活仍在繼續,儘管發生了變化,接近甚至破產,但肆無忌憚的有組織的個人團體繼續欺騙“傻瓜”和可能不知道他們狡猾策略的好人,在他們的許多品牌下,在國內外的公司網络下。  簡而言之,騙子仍在愚弄愚弄 



在“無情者”的無情行動中,我們稱他們及其賦能角色為無情的地主 (RL),他們錯誤地使人們流離失所,尤其是在大流行期間,而 CERS(加拿大緊急租金補貼)等政府援助仍然清晰可見。 因此,對CERS的審查是另一個將涉及許多問題的遺願清單專案。 


然後,讓無情的房東 (RL) 在許多街角做廣告,向毫無戒心的人宣傳他們有多“好”——讓我們感到“混亂”,並想知道我們是否必須永遠排除宣傳。  尤其是當我們經常看到房東和開發商被當地 City Mayors 譽為無家可歸者和可負擔性解決方案時。


當我們一起思考所有這些行為時,通常會想到一種通常被稱為大傻瓜理論 (GFT) 的現象,在內心深處,我們知道意識教育 (AE) 必須有所説明,至少是一點點。  但我們自己正處於困境中,所以這仍然是無法實現的。  目前,騙子知道法律現實,如果沒有有意義的執法,騙子就會逃跑。    



現在,有了上述所有圖像,在各種異國情調的巴拿馬島上添加了同一個無情房東的看板的另一個並置,這些看板的名字像「馬恩島」等等,炫耀他們在加拿大土地上建造的閃亮的新玩具,在我們的土地上,並通過許多渠道進行推廣,包括在線「有影響力的房地產經紀人」,在海外銷售中心為這些「奢侈品」現實, 從卡倫委員會報告的 101 項建議中可以看出。 


附帶說明的是,他們可以自由地購買、出售、交換和以物易物,從而避免了除您之外適用於我們所有人的大部分(如果不是全部)加拿大稅收和關稅。  儘管在這些異國情調的地方有很多從律師到銀行家的專家推動者,就像你在巴拿馬檔中“在網上看到”的那樣。   我們建議CRA可以收回的資金應該將其的一部分分配給意識教育(AEs)。

正如歷史上許多加拿大政治人物所說,我們這些小企業中產階級在很多方面對加拿大都至關重要。  他們似乎有一種模式,每四年左右重複一次相同的講臺演講,有時根據我們觀察到的“民意調查分析師”的需求,重複性會更高一些。 

我們這些努力「耕種」和「種植」這片加拿大土地和土壤的人,往往會選擇再相信一次。  然而,最終,我們這些在土地上耕種的人仍然被愚弄了。



那麼,是什麼驅使他們的無情呢?  僅僅是貪婪驅使他們走上如此黑暗的道路嗎?    




我們向AI-LLM提出了思考,部分答案如下。 請隨時在這封信的 PDF 版本中查看本節所附的評論,以閱讀完整的答案。






在內心深處,我們的意圖,我們的集體目標是以各種方式打擊傻瓜的崛起,這樣我們就可以帶來意識教育和變革“CHG”,而不僅僅是試圖打倒騙子的單一目的。  確切地說,教育是良好民主的關鍵。

我們的意圖(主要事項)在像現在這樣的實現旅程中將推動變化,然後次要事項(如騙子的垮臺)將只是後果性事件,不會消耗我們太多,因為它會  自然發生。  


這個想法是保持整個過程的和平和冷靜,以便有更好的機會讓真正優秀的人在這個過程中為所有人的地球 (CHG E4A)  做出良好的改變,以實現正義,並希望少數人的正義能夠傳播到許多人。   


請參閱我們接近尾聲的部分,瞭解我們對待「敵人」的心態。 這是我們商定的交戰規則/交戰規則2F2F,如果你願意的話,[2] 在這封相當公開的信中,任何人都可以閱讀,如果他們願意的話。  簡單地說,我們不想把寶貴的精力放在我們的敵人身上。 我們希望把我們寶貴的精力投入到建立一個更好的系統上,與那些即使在這種仇恨事件之後也選擇愛的人一起,通過言語而不是通過劍3F3F。[3]  


同樣,我們打算為「騙子」減少不為人知的「傻瓜」,從而完全打破 GFT 鏈4F4F[4]。 





在2020年11月  20日左右與他們的“主任”的一次通話中,主任告訴我們,僅在2020年,他就處理了幾百起案件,那麼通過插值,還有多少人像我們一樣?


在百年一遇的大流行的危險水域中,擁有一個好的方舟(例如一個好的房東)和一個強大的支持系統,當然會讓生活變得更容易管理。  難道我們不應該珍惜關係而不是微小的金錢差異嗎? 難道我們不應該珍惜在你所服務的行業中擁有如何做的知識時説明更多人的能力嗎?我們是蜂擁而至的醫生嗎? 我們是貪財的律師嗎? 但是,你能責怪這個遊戲目前的規則嗎? 他們有帳單要付,靈魂要賣,對吧?

知道旋轉門綜合症也無助於這些行業的瞭望塔,因為人口很少,而且彼此認識,就像在一個非常小的小鎮上一樣,使得這些“天堂”角色的“人性化”執行是不可能的(擁有強大權力的角色需要更好的保護,包括薪酬和安全免受騙子的傷害, 以及包括事後被他們錄用,請見霍根先生關於該主題的現場辯論5F5F)[5]  


我們想知道,誰在監督這些事情? 最後,  自 2014 年以來,我們應該已經根深蒂固地融入了我們的思想和心靈,當時我們與他們簽訂了租約,這是一支明智團隊的黃金法則(見下面的引文)。    這些是我們在 2022 年大搬遷期間尋找新房東時牢記在心的明智之言,我們現在在新的格蘭維爾和 41 街。 


2014 年 7 月 1 日至 2022 年 1 月 31 日(2014 年 7 月 1 日和 2022 年 1 月  31 日,即八年零七個月)在溫哥華的格蘭維爾和第 16 個地點與老無情的房東/RL 在一起時,它讓我們想到了以下引述兩個聰明(而且可能是善良)靈魂之間的對話,


像沃倫·巴菲特(Warren Buffett)這樣經驗豐富的投資者經常提醒我們,與品行不端的人打交道很少會帶來有利的結果。










快速:我們詢問了芒格和巴菲特對商界一些最新頭條新聞的看法,這些頭條新聞可能會對市場運作產生持久影響,從瑞士信貸與Archegos Capital Management的業務往來導致55億美元的損失開始。








巴菲特: 我們很久以前就知道,你不能和一個壞人做一筆好交易。算了吧。 現在,如果你認為你可以起草一份合同,這將對一個壞人起作用,他們就會贏。但有一件事,他們,他們可能喜歡訴訟,但是啊,伯克希爾哈撒韋公司作為一個實體,或者我個人,或者其他任何事情,我們不想花我們的一生,你知道,做那種事情。而且,此外,壞人贏了。他們知道更多的遊戲。他們最終可能會輸掉,但這是沒有辦法度過你的生命。




芒格:是的。是的。他們都是愚蠢的。但是,瑞士信貸(Credit Suisse)卻成了最大的傻瓜。












我們認為自己「很幸運」最終找到了我們的著陸點,但不是在波濤洶湧的海面上漂流和漂浮了一年之後,在被無情地拋出之後,從 2022.01.31 到 2023.03.00,在漂流的那一年,我們帶著露絲般的信念繼續前進,事情四面八方(在臨時倉庫和 RR 的 Homes6F6F[6]), 因為我們在附近的美甲沙龍租用並共用兩個小型治療室。  善良的靈魂,相關的關係(在我們的CRM中又名VIP)使我們的信仰保持火焰,保護它不被熄滅,我們敏銳地意識到許多其他人也受到這些不法行為的傷害。


在百年一遇的大流行中,一個可靠的支持系統,就像一個堅固的方舟,變得不可或缺。  我們承認自己是幸運的,這與許多其他人因這些無情行為而遭受的痛苦現實形成鮮明對比  。 


新村。 新團結的誕生



向內看,這是一段用覺醒的心為宇宙世界奴役的新家的旅程。  一個超級家庭的旅程和新團結的誕生,我們選擇在挑戰中向內看,並要求我們的靈魂做得更好,通過新的方式,我們可以喚醒那些仍然懷著一顆善良的心做夢的傻瓜,他們可能只是看得太外了。



我們將探索自我學的心跳:我們對超級家庭的感恩和清醒的夢想(真正的白日夢)。   其中一個白日夢是一個使用新工具(例如AI-LLM)的專案,通過ESL課程等管道為新人和老前輩帶來有趣和實用的工具。  檢查將他們熟悉的單詞翻譯成英語本身就是一種很好的加拿大體驗討好方法7F7F[7]。  我們將邀請更多的老前輩參加新人 AI-LLM 提示課程的展示和講述。 關於這個項目,還有更多要揭示的,在這個由我們記錄的挑戰驅動的個人志願服務中。 這給了我們另一個很好的理由來審查這個問題,以維護公眾利益和希望。


我們希望對我們所記錄的內容進行檢查,這將需要一些説明,包括贈款。  那一刻就是現在,拜託,我們需要你的幫助和指導。


YesterYears (YY) 編年史

我們的敘述與我們作為工人階級小企業的旅程中遇到的人交織在一起。  我們稱他們為 好靈魂,他們通常來自不同的文化、宗教和信仰。  


我們的客戶不僅僅是客戶(因此我們稱他們為超家庭中的相關關係/RR)——他們是在過去 (YY) 的挑戰中增強自我學超家庭彈性的重要網路。 所以對我們來說,他們是善良的靈魂/GS。


所有這些可能暫時都沒用,所有這些文檔。  在這些時刻,我們記得「沙曼荼羅」的重點不是完成(完成),而是知道一切是如何結束的,所以,它開始了(比如說,任何時候水來)。 

我們經常從庫(雲或真實)的舊腳本中找到非常有用的東西。  願我們 2TB 的資訊在另一個時間空間裡有用,在路上,為另一個善良的靈魂。 



我們在最近的過去(2020-2023 年)遇到的好靈魂,都有關於移民、醫院(健康)、金融(財富)等。  他們對超級家族發揮了重要作用。    我們正在組織我們的集體故事,以找到一種方法在我們的歷史部分“selfology.co/HISTORY”中分享它們。    日復一日,日復一日,日子必至。 


昔日的每一個人物和故事,即使是沒有靈魂的,都值得被銘記。因此,我們將其命名為 2022 年的大搬遷,無情和無情,在

The Ruthless and the Ruthful: The Great Relocation of 2022






我們希望這種催化劑將成為那些以前對擁抱變革猶豫不決的人的轉捩點。 我們的目標是喚起集體的善意和精神,為所有相關方提供更好的待遇。 




隨著它的發展和繼續,它將使每一刻都對下一刻負責 8F8F[8]。   

















由於前任無情房東 (RL) 的強行和錯誤驅逐,我們集團遭受了至少約 200,000 美元的重大損失。 我們負擔不起任何專家來計算真實損失,這是一個非常基本的估計。





我們呼籲決定小組的每一位成員認識到擺在你們面前的大量案件。  在這裡,如前所述,當我們決定凝聚信心和力量在“公眾”眼前公佈我們的案件時,超級家族同意了交戰規則/交戰規則(見下文“與敵人打交道的和平方法”部分),申請“公共利益”資金。




但是,我們希望種子永遠不會變幹,並且可以在水來時發芽。 也許當我們擁有資源時,為時已晚,超過法定,記憶褪色,更糟糕的是, 以後會有更多的受害者。 






最後,我們希望分享一些來自各種來源的見解,這些見解激勵我們處理那些傷害他人的人。  它們向我們展示了善良、寬恕和非暴力的力量,並挑戰我們在生活中踐行這些價值觀。 其中一個來源是登山寶訓,這是猶太先知和改革家拿撒勒人耶穌的教義集。他說:


“你聽說過,’愛你的鄰居,恨你的敵人。’但我告訴你們,要愛你們的仇敵,為那些逼迫你們的人禱告,使你們成為天父的兒女。他使他的太陽在惡人和善人身上升起,在義人和不義的人身上下雨。(馬太福音 5:43-45)




我們知道這並不容易,我們可能對這個問題有強烈的情緒和意見。 但我們也相信,這是克服分裂我們的黑暗和仇恨的唯一途徑,並找到治癒和自由的共同點。 另一個激勵我們的消息來源是民權領袖、諾貝爾和平獎獲得者馬丁·路德·金。他說




1957 年 11 月 17 日,他在阿拉巴馬州蒙哥馬利的德克斯特大道浸信會教堂的一次佈道中首次說出這些話。他後來在他的書《愛的力量》和許多其他演講和著作中重複了這些話。他受到耶穌的教義和甘地榜樣的啟發,甘地也主張以非暴力方式抵抗壓迫和不公正。





在結束我們的呼籲時,我們要求的不僅僅是承認,而是在你們的心中引起共鳴。 正義的遺產不僅體現在法規中,而且體現在受託監護正義的人的同情和信念中。 在您審議時,請記住,您的決定不僅僅是一筆贈款——它是指引我們社會正義軌跡的燈塔——我們懇請您成為變革的建築師,讓像我們這樣的故事聚集在一起,成為更光明、更公平未來的催化劑。





Mx Jessica Yu 和 Mx Peter Tu


電子郵件/  coc@selfology.co

電話/傳真/短信/ +1 (604) 736-7353 (SELF)







2023.11.20 1800 [CHG] LFBC CHG 公益補助金 2022 年大搬遷 1

共同崛起:自我學在無情的憤怒中追求正義和公平 2

發自內心的懇求. 2

駕馭大流行浪潮. 2

不確定的倖存者人數. 3

維護公共利益:揭露無情的漏洞. 3

我們被無情的人愚弄了。. 3

加拿大人的《無情》和《CERS》. 4

無情的傻瓜. 4

對加拿大人的問責制. 4

是什麼驅使無情?. 5

我們的共同目標——意識、教育和變革,讓騙子少上傻瓜. 6

量化傷害:每位導演每年幾百起案件?. 6

我們是「幸運的」(諷刺) 9

新村。 新團結的誕生. 9

擁抱老前輩和新人團結的新時代. 9

重新建設:在溫哥華促進團結. 10

YesterYears (YY) 編年史. 10

記錄歷史. 11

關鍵的轉捩點. 11

轉動心靈. 11

定義時刻和公共利益補助金. 12

法律代表障礙. 12

法律支援中的不對稱性. 12

對公共利益的廣泛影響. 12

背景資訊. 12

向決策小組提出上訴. 12

以和平方式對付敵人——我們的精神和標誌. 13

如何以同情心應對傷害. 13

對良知的呼喚. 14

目錄 15



[2] 參與規則/參與規則是小組商定的一套準則。它概述了在此過程中如何與他們感知到的「敵人」互動。該規則在一封公開信中提到,任何希望閱讀它的人都可以訪問該信。

[3] 我們相信用言語而不是劍來帶來改變。他們的目標是將精力投入到建立一個更好的系統,與那些選擇愛而不是恨的人一起,即使面對 adv


[4] 其目的是通過減少「騙子」的「傻瓜」數量來破壞 GFT(可能是負迴圈或系統的首字母縮寫)。這表明希望教育和賦予個人權力,以防止他們被不道德的實體剝削。

[5]不列顛哥倫比亞省前省長約翰·霍根(John Horgan)卸任后,在商界擔任職務。 他加入了不列顛哥倫比亞省煤炭生產公司Elk Valley Resources的董事會鑒於他之前的政治角色和行業的性質,這一決定引發了不同的反應1. 然而,霍根為他的決定辯護,強調了冶金煤(用於煉鋼)和動力煤(用於發電)之間的區別他還指出,公司致力於到2050年實現碳中和1

術語”旋轉門“是指高級雇員從公共部門工作轉移到私營部門工作,反之亦然. 這個想法是,這兩個部門之間存在著一扇旋轉門,因為許多立法者和監管機構成為他們曾經監管的行業的遊說者和顧問,一些私營行業負責人或遊說者接受與他們以前的私人職位有關的政府任命. 近年來,隨著遊說力度的增加,這種情況在民主國家中有所增加,並引發了關於前政府官員在多大程度上被允許利用以前在公共服務部門工作中形成的聯繫和獲得的知識來充實自己或對制定或淡化未決立法的過度影響的辯論.

在不列顛哥倫比亞省任職期間1990年代的管理服務部, 霍根在監督全省賭博擴張方面發揮了關鍵作用.這包括在溫哥華引入老虎機1.


據稱,一對富有的夫婦羅德尼和葉卡捷琳娜·貝克包租了一架私人飛機前往育空地區的一個偏遠社區,接受為弱勢土著居民接種的 COVID-19 疫苗,引發了爭議Rodney Baker 是 Great Canadian Gaming Corporation 的總裁兼首席執行官,該公司在不列顛哥倫比亞省、安大略省、新不倫瑞克省和新斯科舍省擁有 20 多家賭場這一事件引發了一場關於特權和獲得疫苗的辯論



[6] RR、Relatable Relationships、我們的 VIP 客戶和長期支援者,將他們的地下室借出來存放更多脆弱的東西。 這是關於善良靈魂的故事的一部分

[7] 這句話表明,將熟悉的書籍/文章翻譯成英文的行為本身就是一種以討好為特徵的加拿大體驗。“討好”通常是指為獲得認可或接受而做出的努力。在這種情況下,這意味著將熟悉的術語翻譯成英語的過程是與加拿大語言和文化規範保持一致的一種方式,可能是為了促進加拿大語境中的理解或聯繫。 

[8] 如果你願意的話,一個公共問責應用程式。  多種語言的講台演講(例如,英語切換到法語是浪費時間,例如,我們還有 111 種包容性的關鍵語言)被具有問責制的適當文檔所取代,並讓專家隨時研究數據。 或者只是一個LinkedIn來跟蹤任何公眾人物的時程表和檔。  實時簡歷和公開成績單。



事實上,許多市長已經認識到房東和開發商在解決住房短缺和負擔能力問題方面的關鍵作用。 例如,在多倫多,市長Olivia Chow成立了一個新的住房委員會,以解決該市的住房短缺問題1該委員會的任務是兌現周的競選承諾,即在未來八年內建造25,000套租金控制房屋1

同樣,多倫多市議會批准了市長約翰·托裡 (John Tory) 的 2023 年住房行動計劃,該計劃的重點是儘快在多倫多建造或提供更多房屋,同時使住房更實惠2。 該計劃旨在通過消除排他性分區來實現城市住房方法的現代化,這些分區僅將增長集中在城市的少數幾個地區,並阻止了居民的住房選擇2















如果你願意的話,一個 公共問責應用程式 。  多種語言的講台演講(例如,英語切換到法語是浪費時間,例如,我們還有 111 種包容性的關鍵語言)被具有問責制的適當文檔所取代,並讓專家隨時研究數據。 或者只是一個LinkedIn來跟蹤任何公眾人物的時程表和檔。  實時簡歷和公開成績單。



我們面臨的一個重大挑戰是獲得法律顧問。作為一家屢獲殊榮的百年公司和保險公司的前經理,我目睹了那些擁有保險的人和像我們這樣的工人階級小企業之間的待遇形成鮮明對比。 這種差異尤其明顯,因為我們的目標是促進真正的變革——這就是他們如何知道他們可以擺脫大部分源於他們無情的內心的錯誤和傷害行為的方式。





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Joyful Spirit

We’re thrilled to share incredible news – Selfology has found and settled into a new perfect home at Granville and 41st Park Square, marking a triumphant journey through the unique challenges of the pandemic Yesteryears” from 2020 to 2023.  Your unwavering support and loyalty have made this possible.

Come visit our sanctuary at Granville & 41st, where an array of self-care experiences await.   When you arrive at our Selfology haven, peaceful and spirited people will ensure your visit is truly transformational.

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Treat yourself

Take a Moment for You